No Easy Answers

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Preventing Identity Theft and Bending the Rules

Hahahahah! This reminds me of the Congress passing a law in 2006 to study (not do, just study) the feasibility of removing SSN from military ID cards. Just get rid of the darn reference on the ID card -- what's so difficult about that? Idiots abound, especially in government.

Oh, and should you want to retrieve a piece of mail tendered to the USPS? Fuggedaboudit, it's against regulations, and perhaps against federal law. Once tendered to the USPS for delivery, mail is deemed out of the control of the sender. Usually.

Tax Forms Mailed With Soc. Sec. Numbers
Associated Press - December 30, 2006

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Wisconsin's revenue agency said Friday that it sent as many as 170,000 forms to taxpayers with mailing labels mistakenly printed with their Social Security numbers.

... "We want to prevent any chance identity theft might occur," department spokeswoman Meredith Helgerson said. An agency news release included an apology to taxpayers and a statement that steps were being taken "to make sure that this will never happen again."

The misprinted labels, blamed on a computer error while they were being prepared ...

... The agency said the postal service has agreed to retrieve and return any tax booklets that have not yet been delivered.

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