No Easy Answers
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Political Review - Through the Lens of FreeRepublic
Weekend Show Preview and Sunday Talk Show Review
- February 9, 2008 (final edition)
February 10, 2008
- Disgust and frustration with the choices resulting from the political process
- [GOP delegates on Super Tuesday: McCain 617 / Romney 205 / Huckabee 155 / Paul 10]
- [DEM delegates on Super Tuesday: Obama 845 / Clinton 836]
- [Romney suspends his campaign (keeping 298 delegates), based on need to unify behind the WOT issue]
- [GOP Saturday: Huckabee takes LA "beauty contest" (under 50%), KS; Loses 24-26% to McCain in WA state]
- [DEM Saturday: sweep for Obama in LA, NE and WA states]
- [Congress passes economic stimulus package]
- [Senate focus on economic stimulus pushes passage of FISA to next week]
- February 2, 2008 (no preview thread)
February 3, 2008 520 replies
- [GOP in FL: McCain 36% / Romney 31% / Giulinani 15% / Huckabee 14% / Paul 3%]
- [McCain lands endorsements - Governor Schwarzenegger, Senators Martinez, Collins, Snowe, Nancy Reagan]
- [GOP in ME: Romney 53% / McCain 21% / Paul 19% /Huckabee 6%]
- [Senate negotiates method of passing FISA - to be handled next week]
- [House passes economic stimulus, leadership tries to carve Senate out of amendment process]
- [News reports of back-sliding in Afghanistan]
- [Federal Reserve make another rate drop, 0.50 percent]
- January 26, 2008 (no preview thread)
January 27, 2008 763 replies
- [Fred Thompson drops out of GOP primary race - makes no endorsement]
- [Federal Reserve makes unexpected 0.75 percent drop in prime lending rate]
- [Senate debate on DNI's FISA bill (S.2248 as passed by SSCI) stalls as GOP objects to debate and amendment]
- [DEM in SC: Obama 54% / Clinton 27% / Edwards 19%]
- [Florida governor Christ endorses McCain]
- January 19, 2008 13 replies
January 20, 2008 558 replies
- We're doomed! We're already in a depression! And it's all McChimpy Bushitler's fault! Lynch the conservatives!
- Which leftist Dhimmicrat is the True Messiah to deliver us with the second coming of the era of Big Government?
- How can the Republican candidates mess up so much and defy the pundits infinite wisdom?
- The coming Depression, directly caused by the apostasy of having ever elected a Republican to anything
- [President Bush announces support for a 150 billion dollar economic stimulus package]
- [GOP in MI: Romney 39% / McCain 30% / Huckabee 16% / Paul 6% / Thompson 4% / Giuliani 3%]
- [DEM in MI: Clinton 55% / Uncommitted 40% / Kucinich 4% / Dodd 1%]
- [GOP in NV: Romney 52% / Paul 13% / McCain 13% / Huckabee 8% / Thompson 8% / Giuliani 2%]
- [DEM in NV: Clinton 51% / Obama 45% / Edwards 4%]
- [GOP in SC: McCain 33% / Huckabee 30% / Thompson 16% / Romney 15% / Paul 4% / Giuliani 2%]
- [Duncan Hunter drops himself out of contention for the GOP nomination]
- January 12, 2008 (no preview thread)
January 13, 2008 755 replies
- [Iranian speedboats harrass US Navy near straits of Hormuz]
- [President Bush visits troops in Kuwait]
- [US military action intensifies in parts of Iraq, bombing raids near Baghdad]
- [GOP in NH: McCain 37% / Romney 32% / Huckabee 11% / Giuliani 9% / Paul 8% / Thompson 1%]
- [DEM in NH: Clinton 39% / Obama 37% / Edwards 17% / Richardson 5%]
- [Judge Kennedy, who ordered CIA interrogation tape preservation in June 2005, issues clarification that
the order applied only to interrogations conducted at GTMO]
- [Iraq government passes law readmitting some Saddam party members (Baathists) back into government]
- January 5, 2008 (no preview thread)
January 6, 2008 556 replies
- [Most news was relating to the presidential election campaigns]
- [GOP in Iowa: Huckabee 34% / Romney 25% / Thompson 13% / McCain 13% / Paul 10%]
- [DEM in Iowa: Obama 38% / Edwards 30% / Clinton 29% / Richardson 2% -- Dodd and Biden drop out]
- [GOP in WY: Romney 67% /Thompson 25% / Hunter 8%]
- December 29, 2007 12 replies
December 30, 2007 399 replies
- It's simple to summarize this weeks shows, though: the talking heads are spewing about the
Iowa Caucus and the "disaster" for US foreign policy of Bhutto's death. The Iowa voters
will vote how they vote and I hope that the State Department pukes who put all of our "eggs" in the
Bhutto basket are enjoying their quiche, 'cause those eggs are trashed.
- [Pakistan PM Bhutto assassinated. Speculation on terrorists vs. Musharref behind the deed.]
- [President Bush vetos Defense Authorization bill [HR1585] because it permits lawsuits in US Courts for Saddam-era actions]
- December 22, 2007 21 replies
December 23, 2007 426 replies
- Do you get the feeling that Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee are both being pimped by the MSM
for reasons other than doing good for the Republicans or the country?
- The future leader of the free world will be disproportionably determined by around
200,000 Iowa farmers (and MoveOn.ORG activists). Makes sense to me
- Barack, Al Sharpton and the LA Times "magic negro," is beginning to gain traction, but there's no there there, yet
- Is Huckamania real, or a MSM created Phantasm?
And if it's real, in Iowa, what does that say about the 100,000 or so Republican caucus voters?
- Ah yes. Arkansas character and integrity.
The Huckster will stand behind the words of his policy ghost writers, even if he doesn't remember it.
- [Military Judge Allred grants Hamdan a hearing to determine whether Hamdan is entitled to POW status]
- [Military Judge Allred finds Hamdan to be an unlawful enemy commbatant]
- [Congress passes H.R.2764, omnibus appropriations, handling Iraq emergency supplemental within]
- [The Senate sets FISA aside until next year, faced with Dodd stalling]
- [CIA tape-gate saga continues. CIA says it will cooperate with Congressional investigation]
- [Senator Lott's resignation from the Senate becomes effective]
- December 15, 2007 13 replies
December 16, 2007 664 replies
- First guess: Lil Timmah to Mitt Romney:
"Will Mormons stop worshipping Satan and will you stop beating your wife? Yes or No answers only, please."
- Mitt Romney is up. He's down. He must answer questions about his religion.
He shouldn't have talked about his religion. The MSM sure has his number. Several of them, in fact.
- Okay, we've been pounding you on the head with this for weeks.
One more time, Fred is dead, don't even think about supporting him.
- Oops, he's not dead yet. But it's too late, we tell you! Pay no attention to that poll behind the curtain.
- Hey! Over here! Edwards has taken over the affections of the moonbat left because he really means it
when he says he'll destroy those evil capitalists pigs!
- Ummmm, John, you're a lawyer, man.
You should have known that actual laws would be involved in evaluating your campaign's finances.
- John Edwards,
Democrat blood sucking gazillionaire trial lawyer, man of the people!
- Edwards campaign: "Even if we lose we win!"
- "The great American pass time." [baseball and the steroids report] George Mitchell and the Democrats finally got
their chance to bring it down to their level.
- Jane Harman speaks out on the outrage of the CIA destroying the tape
(that they knew about and knew was going to be destroyed and that there was no legal obligation to retain -
all the evidence from it was fully documented)
- And to counter that harsh, partisan, Democrat position is Pete Hoekstra, who thinks she doesn't go far enough
(he's got a tough campaign ahead, you know)
- Hey! Over here! Edwards has taken over the affections of the moonbat left because he really means it when
he says he'll destroy those evil capitalists pigs!
- Hey, look! It's plugs Biden. We haven't seen him on a Sunday news show in, what? Two weeks?
Nope, nearly 6 weeks. The universe must be about to end. No, wait. He's been out on the road campaigning.
You can't blame the MSM for not inviting their favorite guest
- Pat Buchanan... Ted Turner's idea of a conservative. Of course he gets air time.
- Evan Bayh, still trying out for the VP slot, but who to suck up to?
- Kit Bond - usually reliable, but sometimes too easy to seduce into intemperate positions, hence his current invite.
- [The FISC issued its opinion vis-a-vis disclosing its denial of TSP-related orders - it can't disclose classified material]
- [Scooter Libby drops his appeal of conviction]
- [Senate Judiciary Committee voted out contempt notices against WH staffers re: US Attorney replacement]
- [Congress passes H.R.6, an energy bill - increasing CAFE by 40%, giving tax breaks to non-oil/coal power]
- [Senate passes H.R.2419, a farm bill - wide ranging revisions to many programs]
- December 8, 2007 27 replies
December 9, 2007 530 replies
- The fax went out from the DNC to reporters: use the DNC spin on every issue as fact and
any Republican who disagrees is therefore a liar
- Promote Huck, promote Huck, promote Huck, promote Huck, promote Huck, we can easily beat him.
- Liberal reporters: "Rudy is a womanizer who was unfaithful to his wife...
no one like that can be allowed to be president... er... oops..."
- Liberal reporters: "OK, try this one, taxpayers paid for guarding his mistress.
Yeah, that's it, he misused government resources to further his sex life...
no one like that can be allowed to be president... er... oops..."
- With two such stalwart supporters of Bush on the Tiffany Network, it will be all Bush praise all the time
- Ol' Bob [Schieffer] is happy at last... all "good," reliable guests - warm up the sound bite recorders
- The intelligence community was completely wrong about WMD in Iraq and we should never believe them again... except this time
- The CIA told the Dhimmicrats about the video... no they didn't... yes they did... OK, but they only said
they were going to destroy it, not that they had. It depends on what the meaning of "told" is.
- Jay Rockefeller should break the law and his sworn oath and leak classified information that can be spun against Bush
- Chuck Hagel may yet run for the White House... as a Democrat - sheesh!
- I wonder if anyone will accuse [Huckabee] of flip flopping on immigration?
- McCain is back (in New Hampshire) and Chrissy Wallace has him!
- Trying to overcome the negatives of his last few years in the Senate,
will Republicans believe that [McCain] isn't just playing new tricks?
- Musharraf, wasn't he a general? Now he's simply listed as President. What happened?
Oh, I'm sure that
Dan Rather CBSCNNNBCABC will let us know what we're supposed to believe.
- Doom! Doom and gloom! McChimpy Bushitler's policy towards... (what country are we talking about now? Oh yeah) ...
Pakistan is a complete failure and must be reversed, whatever the consequences!
- US Car makers must come up with cars that get 1,000 miles to the gallon in order to solve the OIL CRISIS
and global warming! It can only be done through government fiat! Enlightened self interest be damned.
- We must punish any companies who have helped McChimpy Bushitler in the GWOT. It's a moral imperative!
- DiFi must be punished! [FISA] She dares to consort with EVIL REPUBLICANS!
- Boehnor won against the Democrat crime/slime machine? Who knew?
- Meet the replacement for Trent Lott [Kyl as Party Whip]. We (the MSM) will cast him in the worst possible light we can.
- Joe Biden! Joe Biden! Joe Biden! Joe Biden! Joe Biden! He really is a serious candidate.... Really! Trust us!
- How sad can you get? Joe Biden being "endorsed" by Genifer Flowers? Talk about pathetic!
- How sad can you get? Joe Biden being "endorsed" by Chuck Hagel? Talk about pathetic!
- ABC is desperate to save at least one of Hollywood's anti America -
pro-Al Qaeda movies, which are all failing in a historic manner
- [Senate passes one-year AMT extension]
- [CIA discloses that it destroyed videotapes of an enhanced interrogation - DEMs call for investigation]
- [SCOTUS hears oral argument in Boumediene and al Odah cases (habeas vs. statutorily limited court access)]
- [Senator Kyl chosen to be Republican Senate Whip, replacing Lott in that role]
- December 1, 2007 18 replies
December 2, 2007 558 replies
- Hey! You people! There's actually a horse race in this horse race!
Pay attention to us or you won't know what you should think!
- Huckabee's a Christian. Not just a Christian, but a member of the Christian Right. Ooooooo. Scary, isn't he?
- Romney's a Mormon. Not just a Mormon, but a Mormon from Massachusetts. Ooooooo. Scary, isn't he?
- Bill's a Clinton. Hillary's a Clinton. Ooooooo. Scary, isn't it?
- It doesn't matter that we've won in Iraq and that progress is being made, we must
leave and cause chaos. It is a moral impertive!
- It doesn't matter how many Americans get killed by Iran,
if Bush lifts one finger to defend our country from them he's toast!
- Hillary's a Christian, but the good kind. The kind that liberal activist non-believer pastors like.
- There's got to be a debate somewhere. The media is jonesing for a debate, particularly one with a bizarre
format and uber liberal moderator. Oh, goody! Here comes NPR and HDNET to rescue us!
- It's totally unfair that the White House Communications Director says good things about the White House.
He needs to be more like us in the media and only say bad things about the White House. The nerve of the guy.
- You know all that stuff about America being the best place in the world and full of opportunity?
Well, George Bush ruined that too!
- DCCC guest: "Mister Rove, when will you stop beating your wife and admit that
you've lost the war in Iraq, which we all know was based on a lie anyway?"
- The Democratics (they insist on the "ic" (which I do find appropriate as a stand alone) so I'll give it to them...
when I want to) are convinced that they are going to win running against George Bush. Boy, have I got bad news for
them, he's not on the ballot!
- A real Conservative Republican lawmaker is gone - Henry Hyde, RIP
- Panel: "Okay, the CNN/You Tube 'debate' was a fraud and we all know it, but let's treat it like it was real for the
purposes of the horse race and bashing orignoring the actual Conservatives in the race so that we can promote more RINOs."
- The longest period of economic growth in our nation's history and the best economy in 100 years is actually
another Hoover economy and we're all DOOOMED!!!!! (that and surrender are Chris Dodd's campaign platform)
- Will this guy Odierno be another Sanchez? The Clinton News Network sure hopes so.
And there are those who think that he's one of the "Clinton Corpse" (sic) Pentagon
- It doesn't matter that we've won in Iraq and that progress is being made, we must leave and cause chaos.
It is a moral impertive!
- Cutting off funding for combat troops in a war is too supporting the troops.
The Dhimmis want them to lose sooner rather than later, it's what Jesus would do.
Surrender is the best course. Sheeple get slaughtered and they shouldn't protest when it happens.
- Carl Levin is going to savage the Bush administration and win the day for the Dhimmicrats....
except the DNC just screwed him royally, so just how pissed is wise old Carl?
This is the Joker in this weeks deck for the Dhimmicats (not encouraging, but possible).
- Arlen Specter is the "Scottish Law" "magic bullet" RINO moron in this weeks deck, so it will balance out
just fine for CNN/the Stalinist left (slam dunk).
- John McCain! The once and future candidate of the MSM
- Obama better keep his bony behind out of Fort Marcy Park or Team Clinton will take him to the wood shed!
- [Senator Leahy rejects WH claim of executive privilege re: US Attorney replacements]
- [Hostage taker at Hillary! campaign HQ in Rochester, NH - incident ends without injury]
- November 24, 2007 11 replies
November 25, 2007 499 replies
- This is the last time you'll hear anything about "success in Iraq" -
the narrative is now about failure in the GWOT - you heard it here first
- Obama is toast - he must not be allowed to overtake the Hildabeast - it is imperative
- How McChimpy Bushitler and Darth Cheney are ruining the whole world
- It's a done deal, a lock for Hillary... bank on it
- It's not a done deal or a lock for Hillary, you know. You shouldn't put any money on her winning.
- Bob Shrum: "Let me tell you how to lose this thing, I'm good at that."
- The coming end of the Bush doctrine and the "healing" of our country's image in the rest of the world
- Will Zinni be Hillary's VP?
- Why we're losing the War on Terror (pay no attention to your lying eyes - we're losing, get it through your stubborn head)
- Chris Wallace will attempt to put a stake into Fred's heart in a Van Helsing imitation -
the MSM has decided he's not their guy, so he must die
- OK, this Huckabee guy is way too religious and a fanatic on abortion,
but everything else seems fine with the MSM... and you say he's a Republican?
- How McChimpy Bushitler invented partisanship and ruined Washington
- Peace in our time! Peace in our time! Really! Oh stop laughing. Oh, you're not laughing, your crying.
- John McCain is too still a viable candidate! We, the MSM, say so!
- Bill Richardson, the loony left candidate for those who can't bring themselves to embrace Dennis Kucinich
- Since when is it policy that every appearance by a Republican must generate equal time for a Democrat to "answer" them?
- The MSM is beginning to realize that none of the candidates (that they promote) are attractive to American citizens
- [Preponderance of Iraq news is positive]
- [Kasparov arrested at anti-Putin rally]
- November 17, 2007 3 replies
November 18, 2007 421 replies
- Ron Brownstein, a typical liberal reporter, believes that politics is mean and too
partisan and that it's all George W. Bush's fault
- She's back! [Hillary Clinton] OK, maybe that's an exaggeration and she just didn't screw up as bad as last time...
but she showed up!
- You are mean to that poor little girl, Mr. Edwards. You should apologize... or maybe sue yourself...
- Now a reporter [Byron York] for a conservative rag [NRO] who doesn't think the nomination is such a
foregone conclusion... at least for the Republicans
- Right now, it looks like it's either Clinton or Giuliani next year.
Of course a high power defense attorney [Edwards] is the "power player of the week."
- [Senate refuses to take up Iraq Supplement bills - either "with" or "without" pullout strings attached]
- [Ninth Circuit endorses "state secret" as to the NSA call log that lists al Haramain. Plaintiff has no standing]
- [Ninth Circuit orders District Court to evaluate whether FISA pre-empts "state secret" doctrine]
- [John C. Rood is placed as Undersecretary of State for Arms Control, over Senate inaction (nominee in committee)]
- November 10, 2007 10 replies
November 11, 2007 528 replies
- Wow! We thought this election cycle was already over and done with! After all, we told you who would win months ago.
- Straight question: why so much coverage of Pakistan and not word one about riots in Iran or Venezuela?
- Oh, goody! Something going wrong in the WOT [Paskistan] to allow Neal to criticize McChimpy Bushitler again!
- McChimpy Bushitler has now failed in Iran, too! We must surrender immediately!
- Yeah, yeah. Things are better in Iraq... but we're not talking about it anymore so get over it.
And look at the deaths in Afghanistan... we should surrender immediately!
- - Various comments relating to presidential candidates -
- [Mukasey confirmed on a 53-40 vote, with 4 likely DEM NAY votes (Dodd, Clinton, Biden, Obama) absent]
- [Congress passes Defense appropriations, with Continuing Resolution (H.R.3222)]
- [Khadr, military commission trial in GTMO, stalled due to undisclosed potentially exculpatory evidence]
- [Senator Feinstein announces support for giving retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies]
- [Congress overrides President Bush's veto of the Water Resources Development Act]
- [Speaker Pelosi indicates that the House-proposed Iraq Supplemental will have "pull out" strings attached]
- [Political situation in Pakistan remains volatile - Musharef's emergency rule to be in place for weeks]
- [Bernie Kerick (Giuliani's past NYC Chief of Police) indicted on corruption charges]
- November 3, 2007 16 replies
November 4, 2007 596 replies
- You know all that "inevitability" stuff we've been pushing for over a year? [re: outcome of military action
in Iraq] Well, never mind...
- The big bad Russert water board and interview show will now give The Treatment to Fred! [Thompson] Beware!
- Joe Biden attacked the Republicans instead of attacking Saint Hillary... let's give him some air time
- Now this is a good President Bush... a retired one [interviewing 41st president]
- Mr. Blair, will you please wave this piece of paper and say "peace in our time" just once for our cameras?
- John McCain will say bad things about Republicans, we know that, but will Chris Dodd say bad things about Democrats?
- Arlen Specter and Diane Feinstein will say good things about Mukasey and bad things about "warrantless wiretapping" -
now that's balance!
- It's time to rally 'round [New York State governor, on his plan to grant drivers licenses to illegal aliens]
Spitzer and call anyone opposed to illegal immigration a racist bigot homophobic doody head!
- [Senate passes modified SCHIP, but will probably not sent it to president Bush for veto]
- [Mukasey confirmation is assured with Senators Feinstein and Schumer supporting the nominee]
- [Musharraf declares emergency in Pakistan - looks like power consolidation on his part]
- [State Department agrees that its security contractors will coordinate their motions with the military]
- [Fourth Circuit rehears al-Marri case en banc]
- [Senate FISA bill is sequentially referred to Judiciary Committee. Debate focused on retroactive immunity.]
- October 27, 2007 (in Sunday thread)
October 28, 2007 277 replies
- We know Hillary's going to win, so let's move on to the post election analysis of tactics...
- It's over when we say it's over, never mind this silly business about needing to cast or count actual votes...
how primative!
- We know Hillary's going to win, so let's move on to the humorous pseudo campaigns...
it's more serious coverage than we've given to any of the Republicans
- This week's
loser Democrat presidential candidate in the spotlight is Chris Dodd, new darling of the Kossacks
- Spying on terrorists violates their Constitutional rights and McChimpy Bushitler caused the fires in California
- Did you know that Jerry Ford really hated conservative Republicans?
Well, he did, at least according to this liberal reporter...
- Hey, I've got a good idea! Let's have the states with the 30th and 41st most population in the US
have most of the choice in picking who runs for president! Don't like that one, huh? But whyyyyyy?
- Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, which state's gonna get the candidates doe?
- Carl Levin wants to
lose the war support the troops by bringing them home on the installment plan
- Damn these Bushes! They're actually making friends and helping women in the Muslim world, of all things!
- Evil nasty bloggers are attacking Laura Bush for wearing a head scarf! That kind of thing wouldn't happen in the MSM!
- Chrissy Wallace: "Mrs. Bush, you must be an idiot to believe what you said about their being progress in Iraq."
- Chrissy Wallace: "So, Congressman Jindal, you overcame racism to win the governorship of Louisiana.
What we can't understand is why you're not a Democrat?"
- Why is McChimpy Bushitler so intent on going to war with Iran? Is he insane, or merely under Cheney's control?
- McChimpy Bushitler is lying about Iran's nuclear program, just like they lied about WMD in Iraq - or so says the IAEA
- Syria had a secret nuclear program they didn't tell us about? But we're the IAEA, we know everything!
- McChimpy Bushitler started the fires in California in order to provide a distraction from his horrible failures in Iraq
- It's the fault of the evil insurance companies. It doesn't matter what "it" is.
- Huckabee's back and Wolfie's got 'em!
- There's this feisty guy from Arizona who might just make the Republicans palatable to us in the media,
and his name's John McCain. Ever heard of him?
- The "insurgents" slaughtering Iraqi civilians and killing American troops are just people and we should
embrace them in the spirit of multi-culturism and all will be well
- [Administration gives (some) TSP justification documents to Senate Judiciary Committee]
- [Senate fails to invoke cloture to take up Senator Durbin's DREAM Act (S.2205)]
- [House passes modified SCHIP (H.R.3963), which, like the last SCHIP bill, is destined for a presidential veto]
- [Senate FISA bill, S.2248, is introduced]
- [Senate confirms Judge Southwick to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals]
- October 20, 2007 7 replies
October 21, 2007 362 replies
- You know, this [Stephen] Colbert guy sounds exactly the way the Republicans do... at least the parts we let on the air
- Let the hagiography of Queen Hillary continue!
- McCain's back... no really... stop laughing... oh, you're not laughing, your crying.
- Ol' Bob [Schiefer, to Mitt Romney]: "You're a member of a Satanic cult, aren't you?
Then how could you appear in front of those right wing Christians?"
- This is a test: how many questions can CBS craft that offer only two choices,
pissing off conservatives or pissing off moderates?
- This weeks show: fishing for anti Republican, particularly anti-Bush or anti-Iraq war, sound bites
- Did you know that the Republicans have folks running for president too?
- Huckabee is the type of conservative the MSM likes, one who criticizes Bush as "arrogant" and thinks
anti-smoking laws are too weak
- It was officially a very, very bad week for Nancy [Pelosi] and her pals
- Blackwater bad. PKK bad. Turkey good.
- A novel approach for the World Bank... trying to help poor people and get rid of corruption
- Czar Vladimir [Putin] has a critic who is still alive... will wonder's never cease?
- [Mukasey confirmation hearings become contentious on the subjects of waterboarding and inherent power of a president]
- [House brings up, then drops, FISA revisions. Senate Intelligence Committee passes a proposal w/amnesty to Judiciary]
- [Rush Limbaugh auctions off the Democrat Senators' tut-tut letter (a false allegation that Rush disparaged the troops)
for $2 million, and donates the proceeds to charity. DEMs take credit for enabling the contribution]
- [House passed press shield law, H.R.2102]
- [Turkey sends military forces into northern Iraq to deal with the PKK]
- October 13, 2007 2 replies
October 14, 2007 367 replies
- Wait, if we declare Hillary the winner now no one will care to tune in the rest of the campaign...
- Obama is striking back... yeah, that's the ticket
- Remember John McCain? He's baaaaack, and Ol' Bob's [Schieffer] got 'im!
Will he give us straight talk and bash Bush some more?
- We're so disappointed that the Dhimmicrats haven't lived up to our left wing expectations, they must do better
- The evil Republicans are blocking all of the good and decent things the Democratics want,
how do you defeat them, oh great House Majority Leader [Pelosi]
- McChimpy Bushitler wants to kill poor sick kids, eavesdrop on their parents, wage an unjust war and
gut the safety net for the deserving upper middle class... how do you respond mister minority leader Boehner
- Fred Thompson was an actor, you know, and he's old and lazy, too
- We can live with Hillary, she's not that scary... not like Osama... pardon the (intentional) slip... Obama
- [Democrats propose FISA revisions - pressure mounts for telcom immunity]
- [CIA investigates its own Inspector General who is looking into detainee treatment]
- [Al Gore in contention for a Nobel Peace Prize]
- [Pressure mounts for Blackwater to depart or reconfigure its presence in Iraq]
- [Turkey - Kurd tension; Turkey upset with US over US Congress statement re: Armenian genocide]]
- October 6, 2007 18 replies · 335+ views
October 7, 2007 280 replies · 6,752+ views
- It's ordained, we tell you. Ordained! Prepare now for the reign of Hillary!
- OK, here's the spin, those who point out the truth that Media Matters and the dims are lying are "taking Rush's side"
- Repeat after me "they all do it, they're all bad, so don't bitch at the Dhimmicrats over the 'general betray us' ad anymore"
- Clarence Thomas is not the buffoon the MSM has been portraying... who'd have guessed?
- This weeks tryouts for the "real left wing candidate" presents the silky pony [John Edwards], who
will promise to surrender in Iraq, no matter what
- You'll be able to tell if Hillary is worried about Edwards by whether or not Timmah [Tim Russert]
brings up Edwards dodging the draft
- Charlie Rangel: "Remember, we're
confiscating all your money raising your taxes for the children"
- What Ol' Bob [Scheiffer] will ask Congressman Putnam: "Why do Republicans want children to suffer and die?" [SCHIP]
- Nazi Pelosi: "This is the most successful congress in history"
- Nazi Pelosi: "Rush Limbaugh is a traitor and hates our military, so you better never mention MoveOn.ORG again"
- Partition, partition, who's got the partition?
- Did you know that the UN is going to solve the Darfur problem? No, really.
- We already know which party is going to win the White House, so who will be in their cabinet?
- Maybe we can get that old fool Greenspan to say something else bad about Bush and good about Clinton
- [Clarence Thomas book and interviews]
- [President Bush vetos SCHIP - State Children's Health Care]
- [NYT publishes news of OLC opinions dated 2005, after Bybee memo was withdrawn, authorizing CIA enhanced interrogation]
- [Democrats assert that Rush Limbaugh is to be condemned for his anti-military attitude]
- [Senator Craig lost his bid to have guilty plea withdrawn, announces he will stay in the Senate]
- [Goldsmith testifies before Senate Judiciary - contradicts Gonzales' "no internal DoJ contention re: TSP"]
- September 29, 2007 5 replies · 31+ views
September 30, 2007 328 replies
- Clinton Inc roles out the big guns in their march towards world domination - they're going to save us from ourselves
- Meet your new masters, the (FOB) members of the Clinton Global Initiative
- Republicans must hate Blacks and Latinos, they didn't show up for Tavis Smiley's
inquisition debate
- Iran isn't the threat in the
Uma middle east, it's those evil Zionists
- Yes, Virginia, there is a left wing candidate in this Dhimmicrat field*... or should I say "Si, Virginia?"
- We must
surrender get out of redeploy from Iraq so that we'll be in a better position
to confront Iran.... wait....
- Republicans are mean and want
children old people everyone to die
- "Republicans invented the culture of corruption" says Chucky Schumer as he counts his
campaign contributions
- The presidential horse race heats up - the excitement is just (yawn) overwhelming
- Okay, we're tired of this "things are looking up in Iraq" junk - sit there and listen to us tell you what you think
- The world is really messed up and it's all McChimpy Bushitler's fault
- Bush has an evil secret plan... Seymour [Hersh] heard it from someone he trusts...
- And the Clinton/Gingrich road show rolls on...
- [Senate passes hate-crimes within Defense Authorization]
- [Senate passes Iraq/fedearlism, "political surge" amendment within Defense Authorization]
- [Congress (House + Senate) pass Children's Health Care increase (SCHIP)]
- [Federal District Court in Oregon strikes down "significant purpose" test of FISA, as against 4th amendment]
- [Iran's Ahmadinejad speaks at Columbia University]
- September 22, 2007 13 replies
September 23, 2007 517 replies
- How bad can we make the economy sound? There's an election coming, we must terrify the sheeple
- Dare we dream of a liberal paradise, where Republicans are all RINOs or in the gulag and taxes
rain like manna from Washington?
- Genuflect, your queen [Hillary Clinton] is on TV! Kneel, knave, or it's straight to Fort Marcy Park for you!
- Hillary Clinton appears on five Sunday talk shows
- [President Bush nominates Michael Mukasey to be Attorney General]
- [Senate fails to pass Iraq pull-out measures, getting fewer votes now than in July]
- {Senate rejects restoration of statutory habeas corpus for GTMO detainees]
- [State Department private security firm "Blackwater" alleged to have killed innocents and sold illegal arms in Iraq]
- [President Bush ratchets up the demand for retroactive immunity for privacy violations by telecommunications companies]
- [Dan Rather sues CBS for 70 million dollars for damage to his reputation, breach of contract]
- [Iran President Ahamadinejad schedules visit to UN in NYC, raises a stink by asking to visit WTC site]
- [Israeli airstrike against Syria stokes rumors of hit on nuclear-related site - US adopts firm "no comment" posture]
- September 15, 2007 8 replies · 337+ views
September 16, 2007 519 replies · 7,616+ views
- Bush may just be succeeding in Iraq... who'd a thunk it?
- Mustn't..... mention.... Hsu..... !
- How to attack Petraeus without attacking Petraeus? Ah hah! Let's talk about General Creighton Abrams instead!
- We must hurry up and lose this war before Bush leaves office so the Dhimmicrats can't be blamed!
- [General Petraeus and President Bush both call to leave "surge" in place, drawing down some next year]
- [General Petraeus testimony marked by "" advertisement in NYT]
- [FISA disinformation in Senate Homeland Security Hearings, TSP incorrectly credited with German bust]
- [Russian President Putin dissolves current government and picks Zubkov as Prime Minister]
- [Democrat fundraiser Hsu is arrested after skipping bail and attempting suicide]
- September 8, 2007 4 replies · 395+ views
September 9, 2007 361 replies · 6,909+ views
- A huge criminal Dhimmicrat campaign finance swindle has been exposed... let's talk about a Republican's sex life instead
- The war in Iraq may be won or lost this week in Washington... we will tell you what you must think
- Forget all of those reports that came back with undisciplined Democrats from Iraq that we're winning,
the masters are back in Washington and they will spin reality to better reflect their ambitions
- Fred [Thompson] announced on Thursday and it's now Saturday... we can already tell you all you need to know about this loser
- [Senator Hagel announces intention to not run for re-election]
- [Judge Marrero of Southern District NY holds that National Security Letters are unconstitutional]
- [EFF obtains FBI reports that refer to practice of using NSL's to obtain "communities of interest" call records]
- [Senator Craig announces he intends to stay if his plea bargain can be undone]
- [Fred Thompson enters race for Republican nomination for president]
- [Democrat fundraiser Hsu is arrested, posts bond, flees, and is caught]
- [Speculation as to contents of General Patreaus oral report - there will be no writtten report - on Iraq]
- [Osama bin Laden prepares and releases tape for American consumption]
- [Speculation narrows as to nominee for replacement Attorney General: Ted Olson, Laurence Silberman, George Terwilliger]
- September 1, 2007 6 replies · 373+ views
September 2, 2007 430 replies · 8,414+ views
- Pay no attention to the criminal acts of Saint Hillary since no one in the press will care and therefore they don't exist.
- The establishment DNC wants you to know that the last six years are the worst in
human history, all because of McChimpy Bushitler and his Republifascists
- The establishment RNC wants you to know that they are wise and wonderful and
really don't want to talk about the last six years
- We don't need no stinkin' Petraeus report. We've already made up our minds and
we've lost in Iraq. Don't you dare try to tell us anything else!
- American law regarding Dhimmicrats: accusation followed by cover up, lies, obfuscation, denial, absolute proof of guilt
and finally everyone forgets about it and just moves on with nothing ever being done about it
- American law regarding Republicans: accusation with no evidence or even any crime, followed by execution then maybe an
investigation, but not likely
- Biden's back and Ol' Bobs [Bob Schieffer - Face the Nation] got 'im! How did we survive so long without the mouth that
- Senator Grahamnesty wants it known that he's a man of courage and conviction and won't let a little thing like his
constituents being 100% opposed to his stance on anything deter him from sticking it to them
- Can Perky Katie [Couric] generate her own Walter Cronkite moment with a Jihadi Tet offensive?
Did she coordinate her travel plans with Al Qaeda to get the timing right?
Will she sleep with General Petraeus to get the story? Will anyone be watching even if she does?
Enquiring minds want to know.
- The Great White Hunter, Lord Patrick Leahy, has another scalp for his wall after successfully chasing
that nasty spic [Alberto Gonzales] right out of town
- Snarlin Arlen "magic bullet" Specter would like it to be known that under Scottish law the guilty but
slick (Bill Clinton) should go free and the innocent but clumsy (Alberto Gonzales) must be punished,
or at least that's how he thinks it should be
- [Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announces resignation effective September 17]
- [Senator Craig's June arrest and August guilty plea for "disorderly conduct" in airport restroom - he says he
intends to resign]
- [Senator Warner announces he will not run for re-election]
- [President Bush pushes for mortgage lender and borrower default protections]
- [Tony Snow announces September 14 departure date]
- [Leaked Iraq progress report shows significant progress but "failing" to meet most ultimate goals]
- [Government files response to ACLU motion to FISA Court to disclose legal rationales Re: TSP replacement]
- August 25, 2007 7 replies · 324+ views
August 26, 2007 441 replies · 7,704+ views
- The narrative is in danger! The sheeple are beginning to see through our BS! We must rally and restore the narrative!
- Quick, find a senile RINO to trot out and criticize Bush! We're losing traction!
- It's time to recycle the war critics from three years ago. We're running out of ammnition!
- Must pump up the silky pony [John Edwards], it's his last chance.
- [NSA Director McConnell discloses that AT&T and Verizon participated in the Terrorist Surveillance Program]
- [Senator Warner expresses the senitment that the US should begin troop draw down before Christmas]
- [President Bush speech noting the aftermath of pullout from Vietnam as a parallel with Iraq]
- [Scheduled publication of a national intelligence estimate relating to Iraq - progress slow]
- [Military appellate court hears appeal from government on Khadr dismissal (not "illegal enemy combatant")]
- August 18, 2007 17 replies · 548+ views
August 19, 2007 412 replies · 9,885+ views
- Just how Nixonian can they paint Karl Rove?
- On Karl Rove: "He's evil, he wants to take over the world, and he fits easily into most overhead storage bins."
- We're doomed! Doomed I tell you! It's the worst economy in history!
- Two American Senators [Bob Casey, Kit Bond], while on their annual month long vacation, attack the Iraqi parliament
for taking a month long vacation
- [Federal Reserve lowers discount rate to prevent stock market drop on tight credit fears]
- [Karl Rove announces resignation effective end of August]
- [Tony Snow announces he will resign before the end of GWB term]
- [Senator Leahy expresses impatience with WH repeat extension for time to respond to subpoenas re: terrorist surveillance]
- [FISC orders government to reply to ACLU brief re: unsealing orders relating to terrorist surveillance program]
- [FBI Director Mueller letter describes witnessing Ashcroft after Gonzales and Card met with Ashcroft in hospital]
- August 11, 2007 10 replies · 414+ views
August 12, 2007 268 replies · 5,535+ views
- What's the narrative from Iowa? Who will win Saturday's straw poll?
- Barack is going to be unfairly ignored this weekend, what with those nasty Republicans in Iowa getting all that attention.
Lets trot out an old interview to try and recapture that excitement, shall we?
- The topic that must be ignored, denied or spun by the rest of the DBM: signs of success in Iraq
- Not to be alarmist or anything, but WTF is up with Pakistan?
- Romeny's advisor is Jim Talent? Who lost in Missouri because of Michael J. Fox and Rush Limbaugh? Brilliant move, Mitt.
- [Continued debate over FISA modernization]
- [Interstate 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis]
- August 4, 2007 3 replies · 379+ views
August 5, 2007 304 replies · 6,797+ views
- Note that there's not a mention of le affair Beauchamp? [Soldier who composed false stries of US conduct in Iraq]
- The war is lost, I tell you! Lost!
- Don't believe those traitors over at the fascist NY Times. They're lying when they say we can win this.
- The Bush administration is naive if they think they can make things better in the Middle East
- And now for complete coverage of the coming presidential election, a panel made up of people who only write about the Dhimmicrats
- The Dhimmicrats have made remarkable progress in Congress
- Afghanistan's going to hell in a hand basket too, you know.
- The inconvenient truth about Pakistan (ooooo, are you in trouble now, Obama)
[Obama said he would encrocah on Pakistan in order to proseucute military action against terrorists]
- [Senate and House pass FISA modification (S.1927) with very little debate]
- [Senate passes State Childrens Health Insurance (SCHIP) after extended debate]
- [Senate Republicans goad Senator Leahy into taking up the nomination of Leslie Southwick]
- [House and Senate pass Democrat-prepared ethics and lobbying reform bill]
- [Senator Feinstein is key vote to Southwick nomination being passed out of Senate Judiciary Committee]
- July 28, 2007 18 replies · 465+ views
July 29, 2007 409 replies · 7,143+ views
- It's been a bad week for Attorney General Gonzales as he is suspected of perjury
- Media Revolution or Gimmick? We discuss the impact of the first 'YouTube' debate
- Pay no attention to what's actually happening in Iraq, we have spoken and you will believe only what we tell you
- It doesn't matter what McChimpy Bushitler says or does, we're not going to let anyone hear it, so he's irrelevant
- Listen, he's lying if we say he's lying, even if we have to lie to make his statement a lie, it's still a lie and
he must be punished, get it? [Referring to AG Gonzales]
- They do too have to violate their oaths of office and give us secrets that we can leak for our own political benefit!
- You know, before the Bushitler regime the VA health care system was perfect and everyone loved everything about it.
- [Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenas WH, OVP, DOJ, and NSC for documents relating to the Terrorist Surveillance Program]
- [Alberto Gonzales give narrowly-parsed testimony and is accused of lying to Congress]
- [Senate passes Homeland Security Appropriations and 9/11 Commission Conference Report]
- [Red Mosque in Pakistan is again occupied by militant Islamic students]
- [Senate GOP begins to push the nomination of Circuit Court judge Leslie Southwick]
- [House Judiciary forwards motion for contempt charges against Miers and Bolten to entire House]
- [Democrat presidential candidates debate, taking questions from YouTube posters -
GOP candidates dismissive of the YouTube venue on grounds of lack of seriousness]
- July 21, 2007 6 replies · 508+ views
July 22, 2007 285 replies · 6,390+ views
- Do you suppose Russert's perjury in the Libby trial will come up?
- And now for a serious look at that NIE thingie
- Creeping instrumentalism, the tao of the liberal
- The new NIE is here! The new NIE is here! And guess what? Al Qaeda wants to attack us!
- Why can't more republicans be reasonable and just agree to surrender now?
- Senator McConnell, are you now or have you ever been a Republican?
- Honoring our great troops, the man who loves them best, Dick "the turban" Durbin
- [On the subject of US Attorney replacement, the WH says it will not prosecute a Contempt of Congress charge]
- [Senate stalls on Defense Authorization when a minority refuses to limit debate on an Iraq drawdown amendment]
- [DC Circuit Court demands all the evidence the government used to determine eligability for GTMO detention]
- [Khadr (GTMO detainee whose charges were dismissed by a military judge) moves that the appeal of dismissal
be abated until such time as the appellate court is staffed according to the language of the statute]
- [GTMO detainee Paracha files brief on the merits as to his designation as enemy combatant under CSRT procedure]
- [Government releases updated National Intelligence Estimate vis-a-vis Iraq, al Qaeda]
- [President Bush releases Executive Order that forbids interrogation techniques as defined in US war crimes statutes]
- July 14, 2007 18 replies · 761+ views
July 15, 2007 375 replies · 19,097+ views
- Entropy rules, man! Bush is so doomed!
- We must repeat our glorious performance in Vietnam! That was truly our finest hour.
- We must repeat our glorious performance in Watergate! That was truly our (other) finest hour.
- Hello? Would anyone like to actually talk about what's really happening in Iraq right now?
- Invest in body bags. Central Asia is going to need a whole bunch.
Oh, and sell defense stock. They're about to get eviscerated.
- We're so doomed next election (unless we cut and run on Iraq now)!
- [On the subject of US Attorney replacement, Sara Taylor testifies before the House, Harriet Miers refuses
to comply with Senate subpoena by asserting executive privilege]
- [Senate rejects imposing statutory troop rotation/dwell criteria -- debates drawdown timetable]
- [District Court formally enables 2 years of supervised release for Scooter Libby's sentence]
- [Government appeals military judge decision to dismiss Khadr for want of jurisdiction]
- [President Bush releases the Iraq benchmarks report - 8 of 18 benchmarks graded "acceptable"]
- [Senators Warner and Lugar propose yet another flavor of Congressional/Executive interation on Iraq]
- [Russia suspends its participation in the arms-limiting Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty]
- July 7, 2007 13 replies · 359+ views
July 8, 2007 239 replies · 10,673+ views
- Now they're in favor of perjurers doing hard time and of plugging leaks and punishing leakers? Who knew?
- Sounds like they're laying out retirement plans for McLame
- Sounds like they're laying out funeral plans for Obama
- Everybody hates Bush, nobody likes him. He should go out in the garden and eat worms. Nyah, nyah. So there, doody head!
- The perjurer Russert asks fellow journalists to express their heartfelt outrage that Libby isn't being executed
- I wonder if anyone will ask Chucky [Schumer] about the identity theft, wire fraud and computer crimes he ordered against Steele?
- Shamnesty, the legislation that will not die!
- Betcha Hatch gets dissed for being a Mormon
- As Billary [Bill/Hillary Clinton] sail triumphantly on to New Hampshire the evil Republicans are in disarray
- Pay no attention to the federal indictments involving Hillary's Senate campaign, that's old news, we should all just
- [DC Circuit Court agrees that Libby not be free on bail pending appeal; President Bush commutes Libby's prison sentence]
- [Sixth Circuit reverses Judge Taylor decision that government must stop "Terrorist Surveillance Program"]
- [Senator Domenici announces his change of position relating to conduct of military action in Iraq]
- June 30, 2007 22 replies · 608+ views
July 1, 2007 429 replies · 8,742+ views
- "The tragedy of the failure of comprehensive immigration reform" (huh?)
- "We'll get amnesty through the House, you wait and see!" - Rep James Clyburn - "No you won't" - Rep. Peter King
- Are you now or have you ever been a conservative?
- They're just now noticing the declaration of war on Dick Cheney? A little slow on the up take there, boys.
- They're just now noticing that McLame is tanking? A little slow on the up take there, boys.
- Slick Dick [Lugar] doesn't have to get reelected till 2012, so why does he need face time enough to betray the country now?
Auditioning for VP, maybe?
- Forget Al Qaeda and Jihad. The Dhimmicrat party has declared war on the real enemy, the Bush administration.
- Secretary Chertoff, you can't (or won't) protect us and you can't even pass your own amnesty bill ... what good are you?
- Leahy's in charge and you will respect his authority!
- Okay, seriously. Dhimmicrats talking about someone else's corruption? Queue the Twilight Zone Theme.
- We don't need no stinkin' evidence about the surge! We watch CNN and listen to Saint Harry Reid. The war is lost!
- So, the bloodthirsty joooooos want to start another war with the peace loving Muslims, do they? Why won't they just die already?
- OMG, terrorists put car bombs in the middle of London... we're doomed... we must do something... wait...
- Nothing to see here [London, Scotland car bomb attempts), move along, don't get riled up by this non-event
- How dare these fascists conservatives think that they can get away with actually speaking about politics?
They must clear everything they say with Teddy Kennedy and John McCain first! [Reference to fairness doctrine]
- [Two car bombs in London are detected and defused before being detonated]
- [Moderate amount of talk about regulatinig political content of media, e.g. "fairness doctrine"]
- [White House asserts executive privilege in subpoenas re: US Attorney firings]
- [Senate Judiciary Committee issues subpoenas to the White House over NSA wiretapping]
- [Senate rejects comprehensive immigration bill]
- [Military judge affirms dismissal of charges v. Khadr for want of "unlawful enemy combatant" ruling from a CSRT]
- [SCOTUS agrees to rehear Gitmo detainee cases]
- [DC Circuit Court publishes slightly more of its sealed opinion in Miller's subpoena case (04-4038)]
- June 23, 2007 22 replies · 369+ views
June 24, 2007 510 replies · 9,235+ views
- Slobber, slobber, slobber! Could it be an all NY election? Hill [Hillary Clinton] vs. Rudy [Giuliani] vs. Bloomy [NYC Mayor Bloomberg]?
- Okay, let's fairly present the immigration debate: a pro amnesty Hispanic Congressman vs. Ted Turner's favorite "conservative" in a white sheet
- Democrats support the real owners of this continent while evil Republican racists oppose their legitimate rights
- Okay, let's fairly present the immigration debate: a pro amnesty California Dhimmicrat who hates conservatives [Senator Feinstein]
and a pro amnesty Klansman Democrat turned Nixon Republican who also hates conservatives [Sentor Lott]
- US Press: "Why oh why won't Nazi Pelosi and Dingy Harry keep the promises that they made to all of us when we elected them?
Wait, did we say that out loud?"
- Now remember, no one mention that Arrowhead Ripper thingy [codename for a US military operation in Iraq]
and don't anyone bring up Michael Yon! [a military blogger in Iraq]
- [President Bush vetos Stem Cell Research bill]
- [Senate passes energy bill]
- [Senate poised to consider immigration reform next week]
- [Rumors that the White House is seriously considering closing Gitmo]
- [National Archives reports that Vice President Cheney refuses to submit to their oversight for classified information handling]
- June 16, 2007 7 replies · 375+ views
June 17, 2007 359 replies · 8,063+ views
- We're doomed and it's all Bush's fault!
- What's so funny is that [talk show hosts and their cohorts] think they can secure a separate peace with the Jihadis.
- Undercurrent of "we told you so" tied to the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group "peace in our time" surrender plan
- [After the time necessary to be placed, US forces begin "surge" action in Iraq]
- [Civil war in Lebanon; hot military action in Gaza, with Hamas taking control]
- [Sec. Defense Gates recommands against renomination of General Pace (Chair of US Joint Chiefs of Staff). Pace refuses to step down voluntarily]
- [Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says General Petraeus (Iraq commander) is incompetent]
- [Senators Reid and McConnell announce they will resume debate on comprehensive immigration reform next week]
- [Senate fails to obtain cloture vote on motion to proceed to Gonzales no-confidence resolution]
- [Libby Judge denies bond pending appeal]
- June 9, 2007 28 replies · 510+ views
June 10, 2007 597 replies · 11,255+ views
- Iraq is a mess and it's all Bush's fault!
- Let's get all of this distasteful stuff about Hillary out in a friendly forum so we can all just move on (.org)
- [G8 meeting: President Bush agrees to carbon mitigation; Putin ofers Azerbidjan as alternative to Poland for US missle defense]
- [Senate fails to obtain cloture on comprehensive immigration reform, Senator Reid moves to other business]
- [Senate schedules cloture vote on motion to proceed to Gonzales no-confidence resolution]
- [Congressman Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana, indicted on bribery]
- [Military judges find lack of jurisdiction on Gitmo detainees Hamdan and Khadr]
- [Senator Thomas, Republican from Wyoming, passes away suddenly of complications from leukemia]
- [Libby sentenced to 30 months plus $250,000 fine. Judge delays decision on bond pending appeal]
- June 2, 2007 25 replies · 317+ views
June 3, 2007 786 replies · 11,028+ views
- The Dhimmicrats are back on center stage, now we'll get some real Bush Bashing sound bites we can use!
- It's not amnesty! It's slave labor to make big business happy! Wait...
- Trans-Atlantic TB Scare: Is the Andrew Speaker saga a health story or a national security story?
- Terror 'Dry Run': Did the media miss a major story?
- The great and powerful Edwards has spoken! Bow down before the hair! Just don't tell him about the guy who styled it for him.
- Doom! Doom and defeat in Iraq! These rag heads don't know how to run a democracy! They should bow down before saint Murtha!
- It don't matter what Patreaus says - we're outta there!
- And we'd like to welcome this weeks Bush Bashing Back Stabber, Newt! The smartest man on the planet!
- [Fred Thompson announces that he is planning to announce his candidacy for presidency]
- [US Prosecutors indict terrorists for plotting to disrupt fuel pipeline to JFK Airport]
- [Libby rebuts prosecution sentencing recommendation - "covert or not" rekindled]
- May 26, 2007 20 replies · 529+ views
May 27, 2007 544 replies · 9,207+ views
- I guess Rosie really is one of the most important media stories out there
- Amnesty isn't enough! You must listen to the voices of Azatlan! If not you are a racist bigot homophobe neanderthal
- What's that Randy Newman song? Oh, yeah. "White people got no reason, white people got no reason to live..."
- The race for VP has been declared open and on the Dhimmicrat side Richardson has the early lead.
- Wise old Carl has decreed that anyone who wants to secure our borders is a racist bigot homophobe neanderthal
- Wise old Carl has decreed that terrorists have rights and Conservatives don't
- Jeff Sessions, the drive by media's racist bigot homophobe neanderthal target of the week - he's too effective, he must go down!
- Our reporter was badly injured by an IED, therefore she can say anything she wants about war and you can't question her... so there!
- Next up on our irrelevant candidates farewell tour... Mike Huckabee. Mike got some good press
from the debate, but don't get too used to seeing him... the DBM doesn't like him. He's a Christian, you know.
- The race for VP has been declared open and on the GOP side Huckabee has the early lead.
- Snarlin Arlin [Specter] has decreed that the first Hispanic AG must go because he's uppity and doesn't kow tow to his massa's in the Senate
- Snarlin Arlin has decreed that anyone who wants to secure our borders is a racist bigot homophobe neanderthal
- The real question of the day: can Kaye [Senator Ky Baily Hutchison] be bought by powerful
slave owners business
interests in her state?
- There are no Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq... Al Qaeda is winning in Iraq... we should leave because Al Qaeda is mad that we're in Iraq
- Biden's back and Wolfie's got him!
- Don't you wish a real American, like Al Gore, were running for President?
- Dhimmicrats and RINOs agree, if you oppose amnesty (or even call amnesty "amnesty") you are a racist bigot homophobe neanderthal
- Next up on our irrelevant candidates farewell tour... Jim Gilmore. Say goodbye, Jim.
- [House and Senate pass Iraq Supplemental with Warner's Iraq benchmarks (H.R.2206)]
- [Senate takes up Comprehensive Immigration Reform (S.Amdt.1150 to S.1348)]
- [Senators Schumer and Feinstein move ahead with AG Gonzales no-confidence resolution (S.JRes.14)]
- [Immunized Monica Goodling testimony at Congressional hearing (Re: Justice Department)]
- [Libby prosecution files sentencing recommendation - 3 years]
- [Judge Walton named to the FISA Court]
- May 19, 2007 14 replies · 361+ views
May 20, 2007 605 replies · 11,209+ views
- The fascist Republicans have lost to the forces of progress and social justice - praise Gaia!
- Why don't the evil Republicans roll over and die on everything like they have on immigration?
- They come not to bury Reagan, but to praise him.
- [Another Republican presidential candidates' debate]
- [Reverend Falwall dies suddenly at age 73]
- [Democrats insert do-nothing votes in the form of Iraq amendments to Water Resources bill]
- [Senate poised to tackle immigration - bill text unavailable until late Friday night]
- [Senate punts Emergency Supplemental to conference committee]
- [Paul Wolfowitz announces resignation effective June 30]
- May 12, 2007 41 replies · 524+ views
May 13, 2007 390 replies · 7,355+ views
- Howard Dean faxed us a press release and that goes straight into the teleprompter for the news readers - works every time.
- We're sure you've never heard of this John McCain [Hagel | Giuliani] guy, so we're going to introduce you
- McCain [Hagel | Giuliani] hates Bush (sometimes)! Are you ready for your close up, Senator McCain [Hagel]?
- Did you know that McCain's [Giuliani] campaign was crumbling around him? Well it is.
- Did you know that Chuck Hagel's the new GOP front runner and straight talk expresser? Well it is.
- Meet the new media, same as the old media - we don't report the news, we manufacture it and force feed it to you
- Did you know that the Iraq war is lost and that it's all Bush's fault? Well it is. We say so.
- Shhhhhhh. Don't tell anybody. A dozen senators are meeting privately this weekend to decide the
fate of the country's borders.
- Did you know that Barack Obama's not ready to be president yet? Well he's not. We say so.
- Did you know that Barack Obama would be a great vice president for Hillary? Well he will be. We say so.
- [Senate passed FDA and Drug Reimporation bill]
- [Paul Wolfowitz scandal as head of World Bank - giving promotion and raise to family]
- May 5, 2007 7 replies · 324+ views
May 6, 2007 420 replies · 8,354+ views
- The DBM has found yet another way to criticize McChimpy Bushitler, Tenet's book.
Everyone knows the price of getting airtime nowadays.
- Bush lied and people died. Admit it or we won't promote your book any longer.
- I'm taking bets now as to whether there are any probing questions about the 4 years he spent as Clinton's CIA director
- I'm taking bets now as to whether there are any probing questions about the obvious fabrications in this book
- The DBM has found yet another way to criticize McChimpy Bushitler, global warming.
- The DBM has found yet another way to criticize Republicans, religion.
- [President Bush vetoed Iraq Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill]
- [Republican presidential candidates' debate]
- April 28, 2007 25 replies · 483+ views
April 29, 2007 422 replies · 8,350+ views
- The Reid/Pelosi/Biden Doctrine: Let every nation (and NGO) know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any foe, oppose any friend, in order to assure the defeat and the failure
of liberty, particularly if it hurts McChimpy Bushitler
- Cynical and dishonest political manipulation that puts thousands of lives at risk are the smart politics of the all powerful Dhimmicrats
- Did you know the next Presidential election is just around the corner? Let's see, it's only... 559 days from this Sunday.... um..
- We must become more like our betters, the
cheese eating surrender monkeys wise and oh so successful Europeans
- [House and Senate pass Emergency Supplemental w/Iraq pull-out language]
- [FR undergoes a scism. The centrists gather at]
- [Democratic presidential candidates' debate]
- April 21, 2007 24 replies · 356+ views
April 22, 2007 361 replies · 7,406+ views
- Aftermath of the Virginia Tech shoootings. Who was responsible and how can another school massacre be prevented in the future?
- Alberto Gonzales is 'down' this week and we'll tell you why!
- Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and news rooms bubble; tape of killer; film at eleven; Nielson ratings climb to heaven
- Did you know that the Supreme Court ruled on a case that will likely be remembered 100 years from now? I didn't think so.
- When both a "real conservative" (Senator Brownback) and a true leftist moonbat (Senator Wyden) endorse a flat tax something is afoot
- [Mass shooting (32 dead) at Virginia Tech]
- [Intelligence Authorization Bill, S.372, stalls in Senate]
- [Attorney General Gonzales gives testimony to Judiciary Committee]
- [Supreme Court upholds Federal ban on partial-birth abortion]
- [Senator Reid says the war in Iraq is lost]
- April 14, 2007
April 15, 2007 707 replies · 12,124+ views
- -- No Preview --
- [Kyle Sampson (DOJ) e-mail surfaces that he suggested possible replacement US Attorneys]
- [Senate passes bill (S.5) providing federal funding for embryonic stem cell research]
- [Rape and kidnapping charges against Duke lacrosse team members were dropped]
- [Don Imus fired from MSNBC simulcast, and later, from radio assignment]
- April 07, 2007 29 replies · 599+ views
April 08, 2007 521 replies · 8,968+ views
- The only good God is a dead God
- Anyone who believes in God, particularly anyone who believes in Jesus, is by definition unfit for public office
- Have a happy Easter and a blessed Passover everyone, so long as there's no actual
worshipping going on, but be sure to spend lots of money
- How dare anyone question The Nation's Mother In Law! [Speaker Pelosi] That's... just politics!
It has no place in a discussion of... well, politics!
- Lets talk about the glorious success of the Dhimmicrats in raising money from their leftist billionaire friends
- The dinosaur media may be left wing, but so far as the moonbats are concerned, they aren't left wing enough
- The Dhimmicrats New Thousand Year Empire will live gloriously!
- The dinosaur media may be not be left wing enough for the moonbats but Fox News
must die for daring to not toe the party line, even if it is only 2% of the time
- How dare the White House even think about Politics, that's evil, and besides, it
interferes with the Dhimmicrats using Congress and the bruearucracy for politics
- C'mon, Newt, you're running. We all know it. Stop playing cute so that we can go
back to trashing you 100% of the time, not just 98%
- Baby boomers must die, in order to make things better for the slacker generations
that followed. It's the only way to save Social Security
- These Jihadists aren't evil, they just need respect and for us to sit down and
talk with them, understand their point of view, it's those stubborn Jews and
McChimpy Bushitler who are getting in the way of peace, so says the greatest
Secretary of State in the history of the world [Madeleine Albright]
- And now presenting Joe Lieberman, but only to talk about Gonzo Gonzalez and Joe's extremist religious views
- McChimpy Bushitler better not try to usurp any of Congress' powers, even ones not
in the Constitution, or they'll impeach King George! So says Snarlin' Arlen Specter!
- Democrats believe:
- Islamic terrorists, communists, illegal immigrants, Gangsta rap drug dealing
thugs = good, deserving of special rights
- US soldiers, gun owners, tax payers, Christians, America = bad, not deserving any rights
- The global warming hoax is in it's final weeks... Jon and Terayza are now promoting it, therefore it's doomed
- McChimpy Bushitler is the source of all evil, even Einstein said so... well, he would have!
- [Speaker Pelosi visits Syria against administration wishes - "Logan Act" violation?]
- [President Bush derides Congress for failing to pass a clean Iraq supplemental]
- March 31, 2007 22 replies · 372+ views
April 01, 2007 442 replies · 9,875+ views
- The Dhimmicrats are actually trying to destroy Bush's presidency, even at the cost of American lives.
- It's a conspiracy, I tell ya! McChimpy Bushitler is out to rule the world, one US Attorney at a time! And Rove planned it!
- Al Qaeda terrorists have rights too, ya know! We must get rid of all of these evil laws that
protect us from them restrict their freedoms!
- We Dhimmicrats are for the troops! Let's give them IED proof vehicles to use then redeploy them to Iowa!
- Pay no attention to the corruption in the ruling party, it won't be noticed by the media, I guarantee you that!
- Global warming is the worst crisis in history! Oh, wait. That was last month, before the massive freeze in California
(requiring federal aid)
- We must admit that we are the source of all evil in the world, surrender Bush for executing, cut our own throats,
and then [Senator Biden | Turbin Durbin] will think about forgiving this country
- [Senate Iraq supplemental passes with troop pull-back dates]
- [ex-Chief of Staff to AG gonzales, Kyle Sampson, testifies before Senate. Testimony doesn't help Gonzales]
- [Tony Snow diagnosed with recurrent cancer]
- [Austrailian terrorisit Hicks pleads guilty as charged]
- March 24, 2007 25 replies · 440+ views
March 25, 2007 638 replies · 10,265+ views
- McChimpy Bushitler's goons are going after the most honest and saintly, nay, angelic, US attorneys in history
- The [John] Edwards campaign would never think of exploiting the recurrence of her cancer and they're already
working on crucifying anyone who suggests they would
- There has never been and never will be any evidence of vote fraud by Dhimmicrats, by definition... remember Fort Marcy Park!
- The Taliban's man in the Senate [Xenator Durbin] would like you to know that he cares about our troops
- The master of the magic bullet [Senator Specter] would like you to know that he's running for reelection in 2010
- The military industrial complex's woman in the Senate [Senator Feinstein] would like you to know that she cares about
our troops, but the money isn't there anymore so she's bailing out of the relevant committee
- If only we'd left Saddam in power nothing bad would ever have happened in the entire Middle East - it's all Bush's fault(TM)
- [DOJ Document release on firing of US Attorneys increases pressure on Gonzales - he comes off as a liar]
- [House and Senate Committees authorize (but do not issue) subpoeanas to Miers, Sampson and other WH aides]
- [House passes Iraq exit timeline as clauses to Iraq Supplemental Appropriations (symbolic)]
- [UN Passes resolution against Iran for nuclear arms viloations]
- [House Republicans attach gun-ban recission to bill seeking federal representation for DC. Bill then dropped by Democrats]
- [Al Gore presents "global warming" to a Congressional hearing]
- March 17, 2007 24 replies · 414+ views
March 18, 2007 741 replies · 11,947+ views
- Dhimmicrats want to do for the people of the Middle East today what they did for the people of Southeast Asia in the 70s
- We are shocked! Shocked, that politics would intrude on the pure and unsullied realm of The Law!
What's that? Fitz who? Who's this Ronnie Earle?
- Democrats and the drive by media smell blood in the water. Better stand back as they tend to lose all reason and control
- The Senate is determined to modify the Patriot Act to protect against unreasonable searches.
Terrorists and pedophiles have rights too!
- Hello! We're winning [losing] in Iraq! Is anybody listening?
- Those evil neo-cons are too planning an invasion of Iran!
- [House Committee hearing with Valerie Plame Wilson as a witness - rekindles "covert or not" debate]
- [Gonzales comes under fire for termination of US Attorneys (and other things)]
- [White House comes under fire for inconsistent explanations of US Attorneys termination]
- [Senate rejects Reid's Iraq resolution on 48-50 vote]
- March 10, 2007 57 replies · 557+ views
March 11, 2007 775 replies · 13,367+ views
- Libby lied to the FBI and anyone who lies to the FBI deserves to do hard time...
excuse me? Bill and Hillary who? And who's Sandy Burglar?
- No matter how lunatic the Democrat leadership is, there are always bigger moonbats to be found in their party
- None of the easily caricatured conservatives are catching on and derailing Rudy
- Woman are the most important segment of society and control most of the wealth, therefore we need a woman as president
- We're shocked, shocked, to find out that VA hospitals aren't as good as the ones
Congress goes to - quick, we need more bureaucrats to fix things
- The anti-American surge must be working - Bush and company are talking to Iran and Syria, so they're obviously surrendering
- Let us introduce players in the coming anti-American propaganda campaign and allow them to promote their upcoming lies
- [Unsanitary conditions and substandard treatment at Walter Reid hospital]
- [DOJ Report that FBI has misused National Security Letters, beyond the limits authorized by the USA Patriot Act]
- [Immigration/deportation issue in New Bedford, Mass - children stranded as single caregivers are shipped away]
- [White House is accused of orchestrating the mid-term firing and replacement of US Attorneys]
- [DC Circuit renders a ruling that Second Amendment represents an individual right]
- March 03, 2007 23 replies · 389+ views
March 04, 2007 830 replies · 11,320+ views
- Worry, worry worry. Famine, fire flood and despair. Terrorism.
- The worst stock market crash since.... the Clinton years when the dot com bubble burst and dropped a whole pot load more?
- The surge isn't working... it can't be working...
- Lindsey Graham says it can work! No one has ever taken him seriously... wait... we [media] have... oops
- Joe Lieberman says it can work! No one has ever taken him seriously... wait... we [media] have... oops
- America is evil... no, it's the source of all evil... you know what we mean
- Scandal. Bureaucrats, those faceless evil AFSCME union members, mistreating Iraq war veterans...
wait, somehow it must be Bush's fault
- [al Masri (extraordinary rendition) case dismissed under State Secret privilege]
- [Hicks (Australian terrorist) becomes the first person ever charged with Conspiracy under the Military Commissions Act]
- February 24, 2007 46 replies · 568+ views
February 25, 2007 555 replies · 10,403+ views
- Pay no attention to those rumors of the surge working. You won't hear such subversive successist rumors here!
- Let's listen to an NBC News reporter tell us what we want you to believe and don't you dare believe what's
actually happening
- Forget Hillary. We made her, we can break her. And there will be book deals galore if Obama wins.
- Ahnuld [Schwarzenneger] believes in global warming, you should never question Ahnuld or you know what will happen!
- Campaign! Campaign! Campaign! Action! Excitement! Controversy! Campaign!
- [DC Circuit Court and SCOTUS action on several detainee cases]
- [Minor action (case can continue) on consolidated NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program case(es)]
- February 17, 2007 12 replies · 319+ views
February 18, 2007 886 replies · 15,576+ views
- If there's any way the DBM can trash the really good GOP candidates, they'll take it
- Did you know that there are actually troops in Iraq who believe in what they are doing? Not according to NBC.
- Biden's back and Bobby's [Schiefer] got him!
- How dare Bush actually question the
George Soros Democrats Congressional will?
- Winning? You think that this is about the US wining? [Re: Iraq]
- Dhimmicrats rule the west! Be afraid, nasty Republicans.
- We at ABC aren't prejudiced in any way... but how can anyone even think of voting for a Mormon?
- [Al Sanani, Bounediene, and Paracha detainee cases getting some (ScotusBlog) press and action]
- [Continuing contention over DOJ dismissal and replacement of US Attorneys]
- [Iraq surge resolutions - one passed in House, one not taken up by Senate on Saturday vote]
- [Libby trial defense and defense rests]
- February 10, 2007 34 replies · 547+ views
February 11, 2007 782 replies · 13,237+ views
- Those dastardly Republicans blocked the Iraq surge debate by actually daring to debate
- Forget McChimpy Bushitler, here's a real President! Just keep Teddy and the waitress out of sight.
- Good old Trent, always ready to stab a fellow Republican in the back or vote for some good old fashioned pork -
he's CBS's idea of a good Republican
- Can you say "Bush is a lame duck"? We knew you could
- What plane controversy. There's no plane controversy. [Pelosi insistence on a 737 for CA/DC trips]
- Who are you going to believe, the truth or the AP?
- Here's the plan, we paint conservative Republicans as lunatics by pairing them
with the loopiest left Dhimmicrats we can find...
- [Iraq surge resolutions debated in both houses of Congress]
- February 3, 2007 39 replies · 844+ views
February 4, 2007 651 replies · 12,011+ views
- George Bush is damaging the institution of the free press with his war,
he's even making the good reporters disagree with each other
- It's bad in Iraq. Let us repeat that, it's bad in Iraq. In fact, it's even worse than we've been telling you.
- [ex-Senator John] Edwards ... can [be] count[ed] on ... to bash McChimpy Bushitler and Darth Cheney
- George Bush is running destroying pro military political cohesion with his war,
he's even making the good pro military politicians mad at each other
- Jim Webb is a right wing American even a committed Stalinist could love
- Any Republican who doesn't oppose the surge is cutting their own throat
- Critics have been screaming that we need more troops in Iraq, now that there are
more troops going anyone who supports that move must be destroyed
- George Bush is running up the deficit with his war, he's even making the good fiscal conservatives mad at each other
- We've got to figure out a way to get Bush to say "read my lips..."
- Pay no attention to the graft and corruption by Democrats
- McCain is being hurt by his support for George Bush's war
- [Senators/House anti-Iraq-surge resolutions still being negotiated]
- [Libby trial 2nd week]
- January 27, 2007 26 replies · 355+ views
January 28, 2007 825 replies · 12,399+ views
- Iraq = Vietnam, and we all know how that turned out, don't we?
- Can you say "impeachment?" I knew you could
- Can someone please put John Kerry out of our misery?
- What's all this talk about the "old media?"
- Bush is wrong. We've may have (ambitious and unscrupulous) Republicans to tell you so.
- [Major Meme is Iraq Surge and division between President and GOP Congress]
- [US moves to dismiss NSA cases due to FISA Court Ruling]
- [Senate working on anti-Iraq-surge resolutions]
- [Confirmation of General Petraeus, and assignment to Iraq]
- [President Bush pushing Health Care: Information Technology, Tort Reform, Small Business (Federal Insurance)]
- [President Bush pushing energy programs: alternative fuels, R&D, conservation, environment]
- [Libby trial reopens old issues: Iraq war justification, WH dirty tricks, outing the agent, etc.]
- January 20, 2007 27 replies · 468+ views
January 21, 2007 776 replies · 11,666+ views
- The media must punish McCain for not agreeing with them.
- Democrats and right thinking Republicans oppose McChimpy Bushitler, why won't he surrender as he should?
- Lets pre-critique the State of the Union address so that we all know what to think regardless of what is said.
- Not should they limit the [Iraq surge] plan, but "can they?"
- [Congress working on anti-surge resolutions]
- [DOJ announces the FISA Court has approved the NSA program - AG Gonzales testifies before Senate Committee]
- [Ohio Congressman Bob Ney sentenced to 30 months for corruption]
- [Hillary! announces formation of exploratory committee]
- [Brownback announces intention to run for president]
- [SCOTUS agrees to take Wisconsin Right to Life campaign advertising case]
- January 13, 2007 52 replies · 560+ views
January 14, 2007 470 replies · 9,224+ views
- Shocking! The White House hasn't rolled over for Nazi Pelosi and Dingy Harry!
- Excuse me, that's the "escalation" of the war, not the "surge."
- Everybody hates Bush. Nobody likes him. He should go out in the garden and eat worms.
- I'll see your Lieberman and raise you a Hagel! There are far more self serving
anti-American RINOs than patriotic pro-American Dhimmicrats.
- The proxies, Biden and Graham, met last week, now it's time for the principles [McCain and Obama] to
meet... let the rumble begin!
- Who is this McConnell guy and why can't CNN book the real leader of the evil Republicans, Trent Lott?
- [President Bush announces 21,000 troop addition to Iraq effort]
- [Houses of Congress start legislating - ethics, minimum wage, Iraq limitations]
- [Warrantless inspection of mail]
- [DOD and CIA involved in domestic surveillance]
- [Pentagon derides providing legal defense to detainees]
- [Scooter Libby trial starting next week]
- January 6, 2007 37 replies · 510+ views
January 7, 2007 468 replies · 8,197+ views
- The Dhimmicrats are in charge now, will everyone be nice to each other?
- All bow down (or bend over, as the case may be) der Übermensch, our rightful lords
and masters, are back in control of the government!
- Bush is wrong, Bush is wrong, Lord God Almighty, Bush is wrong.
- It's over, the (evil) US lost in Iraq. Give it up. Run away. Frag your officers.
All the things that were so much fun in Vietnam.
- Democrats want to address ethics
- [The President plans a troop build-up in Iraq]
- [The President reassigns generals who were lukewarm to troop build-up]
- [Negroponte resignation as DNI to move to State Department]
- [Democrats reneg on promise to give GOP equal control of legislative process]
- [DEM led Senate starts out as a "do nothing"]
- December 30, 2006 39 replies · 474+ views
December 31, 2006 566 replies · 8,086+ views
- Wasn't Ford that evil Republican who pardoned Richard Nixon?
- Now for the real tragedy this week: the execution of Saddam Hussein
- [Death of President Ford]
- [Execution of Saddam Hussein]
- [Various early-bird candidates (and issues) for 2008 presidential race]
- December 23, 2006 20 replies · 399+ views
December 24, 2006 245 replies · 4,902+ views
- It's Christmas! Let's talk about what's wrong with Christians and how the Christian church has to change
- Derision to First Lady and Second Lady
- Hail the wisdom of Chris Dodd and John Kerry
- Lindsey Graham is going to tell us what John McCain told him to think this week
- [President Bush concedes Iraq progress is slow]
- [Government declassifes doc it was trying to retrieve via subpoena, withdraws subpoena]
- [Stalled Circuit Court nominee Wallace announced decision to withdraw]
- [United Nations decision re: Iran and sanctions for maintaining nuclear program]
- December 16, 2006 35 replies · 474+ views
December 17, 2006 569 replies · 10,964+ views
- Robert Gates takes over as defense secretary
- Exactly what was it the DBM hated about Newt? Oh, yeah! He's way smarter than we are! Trash him!
- Colin, Colin, he's our man, if he can't do it, Obama can!
- Things are bad in Iraq. Now, will you please give up this "victory" nonsense and just surrender?
- [Media Obama-fest continues]
- [President Bush deliberates on Iraq - takes Penatagon recommendations]
- [Senators (Nelson (FL), Specter) trips to Syria]
- [Senator Johnson's aneurism and brain surgery]
- [Government use of subpoena to obtain classified documents sent to ACLU]
- [District Court Judge Robertson ruling in Hamdan II, on habeas corpus aspect of Military Commissions Act]
- December 9, 2006 32 replies · 424+ views
December 10, 2006 598 replies · 10,091+ views
- The wise men of the ISG have spoken
- The Neocons are dead, long live the Neoliberals! (i.e., DEMs adopt Bush approach to foreign policy)
- Powerful and triumphant Senator Carl Levin is using his vast brainpower to [solve the Iraq crisis]
- [House report completed Re: Foley and page oversight. GOP negligent, but not breaking any rules]
- [Iraq Stdy Group report out - a number of contentious recommendations]
- [Congress adjourns w/o passing appropriations]
- [Senate adjourns w/o confirming Bolton, and w/o confirming -many- judicial nominees]
- December 2, 2006 27 replies · 266+ views
December 3, 2006 482 replies · 8,400+ views
- How dare Bush criticize the anointed ones of the Iraq Study Group?
- Vladimir (KGB) Putin, friend or foe?
- America is about to abandon Iraq to the tender mercies of Al Qaeda... congratulate us, we the DBM accomplished our goal!
- Yo, Hadley! Great memo you wrote. So you're on our side now too?
- Surrender now. It will be much less messy and the DBM will be able to cover it
without any new assets, just their existing Al Qaeda stringers
- [Iraq Study Group leaks]
- [AP credibilty - "6 burned alive" a hoax? Iraq government to police media reporting]
- [Democrats retreating from campaign promises]
- [Rumsfeld memo calling for change of course in Iraq / Administration "reversal?"]
- [NYT lost its appeal for stay of lower court order re: review of telephone records]
- November 25, 2006 18 replies · 375+ views
November 26, 2006 475 replies · 9,300+ views
- the good old days are back
- There's a really stupid looking Dhimmicrat taking over the House Armed Services
committee, so let's skewer the outgoing Republican who thinks he has a chance to be President
- Arnold, the perfect Republican, more liberal than his Democrat opponent
- let's get two retired generals who hate Rumsfeld's guts and ask them what they think about Iraq
- Wow, haven't the Republicans made a mess of foreign policy?
- [NYT appeals to SCOTUS for a stay on disclosing Miller's telephone logs - Holy Land/Global Relief]
- [Pelosi to choose Chair for House Intelligence Committee: Harman/Hastings/Reyes]
- [Litvinenko, critic of Russin President Putin, dies of exotic radiation poisoning (Polonium)]
- [Lebanese Christian minister assassinated]
- [Mounting civilian casulties in Iraq]
- [Penatagon vs. Iraq Study Group]
- [GOP-lead Senate will -NOT- take up appropriations bills]
- [Fitzgerald appeals classified disclosure aspect of Libby trial]
- November 18, 2006 36 replies · 436+ views
November 19, 2006 615 replies · 12,143+ views
- OK, now that those arrogant Republicans (who didn't listen to us) are well and
truly trashed we can get back to bashing those stupid Democrats
- Let us now speak to the conscience of the Senate, non partisan saint, Senator Obama the anointed one
- No matter what you think, the Dhimmicrats are not "cutting and running"
- Yes! The right (left) party is finally back in charge!
- So, Lindsey, what will you say if the Dhimmicrats exercise the Nuclear Option and
the Dhimmicrat members of the gang of 14 tell you to "shove it?"
- So, Newt, how does it feel to have everything you did in 1994, plus the entire
Reagan revolution, completely overturned by 100% of the American people?
- Listen to the wisdom of the Clintonistas, the enemy today is not Islam, it is Christianity
- [What is the message from GOP voters?]
- [Election of Congressional Leaders: Pelosi/Hoyer (not Murtha) :: Boehner/Blunt :: McConnell/Lott]
- [Hearings on direction in Iraq - Iraq Study Group]
- [Congress didn't pass Viet Nam PNTR]
- [Dodd introduces revisions to Military Commissions Act]
- [Specter introduces proposed NSA/FISA legislation]
- [DEM legislative agenda: Min wage, comprehensive immigration, prescription drug reimportation]
- [GOP legislative agenda: comprehensive immigration, Bolton]
- November 11, 2006 24 replies · 468+ views
November 12, 2006 1,055 replies · 13,573+ views
- Neener, neener, neener. We told you so. (GOP losses)
- Firing Rumsfeld isn't enough. He should be brought up on treason charges.
- The election is over, now the battle to spin what it means gets started.
- The age of Dhimmicrat rule has begun, we want your money, your guns, your land and your votes
- [GOP losses in election]
- [Bring Iraq Study Group (Baker Commission) v. General Pace recommendation into public consciousness]
- [Bolton renominated - act of futility]
- [Judges NOT renominated - capitulation]
- [Leahy announces intention to revisit habeas corpus provisions in Military Commissions Act]
- [Reid, Levin announce intention to modify Bush's proposed NSA/FISA legislation]
- November 4, 2006 100 replies · 865+ views
November 5, 2006 806 replies · 16,468+ views
- The Republicans are doomed!
- Kerry's offensive remarks? Oh, just a mistake.
- Chuck Schumer, Rahm Emanuel are geniuses
- Elizabeth Dole, Tom Reynolds are failures and will take the blame for losing Senate/House
- [Saddam convicted and sentenced to death by hanging]
- [John Jerry's "troops are the stupid people" botched joke]
- [Election projections]
- [Late Rumor of impending resignation on SCOTUS]
- October 28, 2006 51 replies · 661+ views
October 29, 2006 1,140 replies · 22,754+ views
- Rove can pull this out with GOTV
- Embryonic stem cell research is the only hope for humankind
- Republicans want to kill the handicapped and steal their wheelchairs
- Black voters will too come out and vote for
their masters Democrats
- Black Republicans slavishly support the Bush war mongers - did I say slave? Never mind
- Democrats are pure and moral while Republicans are evil and secretly all gay
- Stay home all you values voters, you're not wanted anyway
- [The usual pre-elections rhetoric]
- [NJ SC marriage opinion and order]
- [Iraq tactics and strategy, continued]
- October 21, 2006 59 replies · 685+ views
October 22, 2006 1,028 replies · 16,627+ views
- The executive powers of the Presidency are inherently evil and must be constrained
by the omniscient voices in the all wise US Senate
- Obama is so cool!
- Congress is broken and it's all the Republicans fault
- We are in so much danger from the people that George Bush is fighting and labeled
"the axis of evil" and it's Bush's fault
- Bush says there are similarities between Vietnam and Iraq
- Cheney says it was premature to say we were "over the hump" in terms of violence in Iraq
- [Iraq Study Group - al Sadr briefly takes Samara, violence in Baghdad]
- [North Korea subdued? by intervention from China]
- [Election politics - GOP "lethargic voters" vs. "party faithful"]
- [Senator Reid's real estate dealings]
- [H.R.6061 - Secure Fence Act of 2006 - signing ceremony?]
- [Press ethics in light of CNN showing terrorists' video of terrorist sniper]
- [Russia withholds permission for US political NGO operation - NDI, IRI]
- [Suspension of security clearance of a House Intelligence Cmte staffer - NIE leak investigation]
- October 14, 2006 72 replies · 618+ views
October 15, 2006 566 replies · 12,980+ views
- John Bolton, you don't think America should surrender to Kim Jong-il (wrong man for the UN)
- Media polls show Democrats taking the House and Senate
- Sec. State Rice was warned about 9/11, per Bob Woodward's book
- John Warner to criticize the Iraq policy
- NK nuclear weapons capability represents a Bush foreign policy failure
- Sec. State Rice is pro-Hamas
- Violence in Iraq is increasing
- Iran is enriching material to make a nuclear weapon
- [NK nuke test]
- [Foleygate continues - how did e-mails and IMs get into public eye?]
- [Iraq Study Group & others, e.g. Senator Warner (what if Pres. Bush adopts the eventual report?)]
- [Reid's land deal - was it unethical?]
- [Fence bill is still on its way]
- [Speculation about 2008 election (already?!)]
- [President Bush signed EO regarding Sudan and the Darfur region]
- [Government files brief in its 6th Cir. appeal seeking to overturn Judge Diggs decision re: NSA surveillance program]
- October 7, 2006 58 replies · 529+ views
October 8, 2006 934 replies · 15,925+ views
- Santorum, DeWine and Chafee are dooooomed
- The economy is lousy
- The Bush administration has completely lost focus in the war on terror by attacking Iraq
- Foley is guilty and the Republicans covered it up
- Bob Woodward's new book "State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III"
- Congressional page scandal: Who knew what and when?
- [Media obsessed with Foleygate]
- [Allegations of beating in Gitmo]
- [800 Iraqi police discharged after being found out as "death squad" -- Huh? No arrests?]
- [President signed HS appropriations - reports lead reader to conclude "fence-only bill"]
- [North Korea readying test of atomic bomb]
- [Court martial of Marines for murder of an Iraq civilian]
- [President Bush signs HS Appropriations, which includes 1.2 billion border fence money]
- [Warner says Iraq war is going sideways]
- [Frist says Taliban-sympathizers need to be welcomed into Afghan government]
- September 30, 2006 68 replies · 646+ views
October 1, 2006 1,043 replies · 18,851+ views
- DBM blitzkrieg against President Bush
- [Media obsessed with Clinton interview]
- [Senate passed detainee interrogation and trials bill S.3930]
- [Senate passed fence-only bill H.R.6061]
- [Foley resignation - what did GOP leadership know and when did they know it?]
- [Continued Iraq/terrorism debate via leaked NIE]
- [Senate returned contentious judicial nominations and Bolton]
- [Congress snuck many laws under the rader - e.g., internet gambling, insurrection law]
- September 23, 2006 57 replies · 872+ views
September 24, 2006 1,327 replies · 26,981+ views
September 24, 2006 (FNS/Clinton 08:23) 691 replies · 15,683+ views
September 24, 2006 (FNS/Clinton 17:08) 545 replies · 17,519+ views
- Clinton did everything humanly possible to protect the US and kill Osama.
- the Bush's brains just work different- they're defective.
- Hamid. Admit it. We've lost in Afghanistan.
- Forget those pesky folks from the Religion of Peace. The real threat is the Christian right.
- Saint McCain... has he betrayed humanity? The high priests of CBS News and the
Washington Post supply the inquisition and give this sinner a chance to atone for agreeing with McChimpy Bushitler.
- Lindsey Graham explains why Bush getting what he wants was a victory for him and McCain.
- Republican rebels and dissension in the right wing ranks are ruining chances for the party of evil to hold Congress.
- Frist wants to be president. Who is he kidding?
- So, Arlen, under Scottish law torture is OK?
- [proposed detainee act - CIA interrogations, secret evidence, habeas]
- [proposed NSA/FISA act]
- [Leaked NIE that says 1. Iraq war spawned a new generation of Islamic radicalism, and 2. terrorist threat has
grown since 9/11]
- [proposed fence-only bill in Senate - S.6061]
- [Iran v. US : Venezuela/Chavez v. US, speeches at the UN]
- [Bolton nomination is still in Senate Foreign Relations Committee]
- [Sec. State Rice makes Sudan an offer that can't be refused re: Darfur]
- September 16, 2006 46 replies · 662+ views
September 17, 2006 903 replies · 18,431+ views
- Wow! The Republicans actually have a plan for this election.
- This macaca thing [Reference to George Allen] just won't die. Why is that?
- Let the re-beatification of Saint John the Insane [McCain] begin
- Would you believe that Arlen [Specter] is a toady for Bush?
- They are not moonbats! They are mainstream Americans and we must take their 9/11
conspiracy theories seriously... let's hold hearings
- Is this the sacrificial Republican Congressman [Boehner] and is it true that he was really, really mean?
- [Moslem reaction to Pope Benedict's speech]
- [Accusation of politicization of 9/11 by president, with speech]
- [More Senate Intelligence Committee Phase II report on prewar intelligence]
- [Senate vs. administration on detainee interrogation and trials]
- September 9, 2006 48 replies · 389+ views
Septemper 10, 2006 945 replies · 16,963+ views
- We all know that Darth Cheney is the real architect of 9/11, so let's grill him with some unfair questions
- Darth Cheney loses out to Princess Condi, will she help defeat the Emperor and
reestablish the
Republic Democracy? (at least that's what we want you to believe is going on)
- Repeat after us: Iraq is not part of the war on terror, in fact there is no war on
terror - we just need good police work, complete with Miranda rights
- If only we hadn't abandoned Afghanistan to go off on that adventure in Iraq, we'd have won by now!
- Republicans are supposed to be doomed, so the DBM is going to pull out all the stops to see that is what happens
- About that nasty evil piece of filthy right wing Nazi fiction being put out by Rush Limbaugh's friend...The Path To 9/11
- The FBI is too spying on you
- [Senate Intelligence Committee Phase II report on prewar intelligence]
- [Fed Judge in Oregon says trial re: NSA Terrorist Surveillance can go on - evidence includes domestic-only surveillance]
- September 2, 2006 47 replies · 351+ views
Septemper 3, 2006 863 replies · 15,627+ views
- It's finally the political season - will you now pay attention to what we tell you and vote the evil Republicans out?
- It's the nutroots, who now own the Democrat Party, vs. the "old wily politicians" of the Republican Party
- Those mean Republicans have been mean again, actually pointing out that the Democrats might be wrong!
- The Republicans are so doomed!
- Snarlin' Arlen's in charge - get out of the way of his ego, it is truly immense!
- Santorum is toast
- Iraq can't get their oil industry going, so why did we bother?
- August 26, 2006 31 replies · 416+ views
August 27, 2006 485 replies · 8,143+ views
- The Republicans are doomed
- We told you before and we'll tell you again, Katrina was all Bush's fault
- It is too a civil war!
- August 19, 2006 39 replies · 582+ views
August 20, 2006 557 replies · 9,921+ views
- The Democrats theme is that Bush has made us less safe, let's see what we can do to help them
- The Democrats theme is that Bush has made the Middle East less stable, let's see what we can do to help them
- How about that court ruling, huh?
- Are the Republicans doomed?
- [Half-baked Federal District Court rejection of NSA TSP]
- [Administration casting UN cease-fire as loss to Hezbolla]
- [Air travel safety - security threats, profiling, etc.]
- [Federal disaster aid performance - Katrina and Rita one year later]
- August 12, 2006 22 replies · 260+ views
August 13, 2006 542 replies · 11,373+ views
- More attempted terrorist attacks... is it because of Iraq?
- Those nasty evil unconstitutional Bush Nazi tactics exposed by the NY Times had nothing to do with catching these guys
- The Stalinist wing of the Democrats beat out lefty Joe in a lefty state - must mean trouble for Republicans in red states
- Bush and his Israeli lackeys have been forced to eat crow... all hail Jihad!
- The current conflict in the Middle East is the end of George H. W. Bush's "new world order"
- August 5, 2006 27 replies · 488+ views
August 6, 2006 430 replies · 8,573+ views
- Joe Lieberman's loss will mean that the Democrats are embracing the moonbats
- Cynthia McKinney's loss will mean that the Democrats are rejecting the moonbats
- The world, it is a changin' and Bush and friends aren't at the center of it
- That
Jew neocon fascist moderate Lieberman is so defeated
- Why are the Israeli's hurting those innocent Lebanese?
- [US stance and action re: Isreal/Hezbolla conflict]
- [Senate return of 5 Circuit Court nominations to the president]
- [Passage of Pensions legislation - Delta dumps pension on Fed Pension Guarantee program anyway]
- [Senate failure to pass minimum wage, estate tax and tax-break extenders]
- [Reinforcing the impression that the FedGov is serious about border enforcement]
- July 29, 2006 44 replies · 425+ views
July 30, 2006 480 replies · 9,442+ views
- If only those rotten Israeli's would listen to reason and agree to a cease fire all things would be fine
- Israel is the aggressor here
- They did too intentionally kill the innocent UN observers deliberately - so there!
- Should all US involvement in Iraq have ended with the hand over of sovereignty?
- [Minimum wage increase - economic news in general]
- [Nomination of John Bolton to be US ambassador to the UN]
- [Opening Gulf of Mexico to mineral/oil extraction]
- [Presidential signing statements]
- July 22, 2006 46 replies · 309+ views
July 23, 2006 575 replies · 10,702+ views
- The trouble in the Middle East is all Bush's fault
- The Iraq war was a war of choice by Bush, that choice has ruined the United States
in the world and it is the cause of all the current troubles
- An open invitation for John Bolton to shove the conventional wisdom down the
throats of the DBM (fireworks and sound bites, oh my!)
- Just exactly what is
Dennis Hastert's the Republicans' problem?
- Iraq is the worst disaster in US military history
- Bush did the right thing in Iraq... but...
- Bush isn't enough of a hawk and should invade everyone, now, all at the same
time... or maybe not... it might hurt the stock market...
- [Absence of US red-light to Isreal move to eliminate Hezbolla]
- [Pending confirmation of John Bolton as ambassador to the UN]
- [Stem-cell veto and failure to override]
- July 15, 2006 34 replies · 445+ views
July 16, 2006 789 replies · 14,146+ views
- If Bush had only listened to us he would have been so much better off
- All hail the drive by media, particularly the NY Times, the old media network news
shows and especially MSNBC's Keith Olberman
- The President's problems are all his own fault... even the ones we (the drive by
media) created from the whole cloth.
- Things are really bad now (pay attention, we're telling you what to think here),
but remember just how good (we told you they were) under Clinton?
- We've been spending all this time and money on the War on Terror over there, but
we should be spending the money here! (just look how well we managed the Big Dig)
- Are things really as bad as they seem to be (as the drive by media is telling us)?
- Robert Novak must be discredited... all else is unimportant to the drive by media
and their overlords
- Joe Biden - Newt Gingrich - George Allen - Chris Dodd wants to be president
- [Hezbolla/Israel hostilities]
- [WH announcement re: "extending Geneva Convention to Gitmo"]
- [Specter announcement that WH is agreeable with NSA program being reviewed by FISC]
- [Russia not admitted to WTO & other scuttlebutt re: G-8 meeting]
- [Plame / Wilson lawsuit against Libby, Rove and Cheney]
- [Fatal tunnel failure in Boston's "Big Dig"]
- July 08, 2006 27 replies · 466+ views
July 09, 2006 691 replies · 12,036+ views
- Bush is all wrong about (Korea/Iraq/Immigration) and even Republicans think so
- No matter what anyone says it's not Clinton's fault!
- The Republicans are doomed to lose in November
- July 01, 2006 41 replies · 371+ views
July 02, 2006 692 replies · 13,232+ views
- Hamdan, Immigration, and Iraq
- Bush was wrong on all the issues McCain is right on
- The Supreme's smack down the Bushies (who cares if it endangers the country, it's NEWS!!!)
- The most important institution in the history of mankind is under assault by the evil Bushies!
- Bush was wrong on all the Iraq issues
McCain the press is right on
- It's Israel's fault, whatever it is
- If it's not Israel's fault, it's
the United States Bush's fault, whatever it is
- Bush was wrong on all the
Iraq Middle East issues McCain the press is right on
- Media outlets really hopes that the Shuttle blows up when they launch... it makes for such good ratings
- We don't care what anyone else says, the Democrats are too going to win big this November!
- The Senate may finally realize that the media isn't accurately representing the true feeling of the
country about border security
- Bush may not look silly at Graceland, but he's standing next to that guy from Japan, which makes him silly by association
- [How the Hamdan decision affects NSA activity]
- June 24, 2006 34 replies · 496+ views
June 25, 2006 770 replies · 14,062+ views
- What is wrong with these Democrats? We hand them the election on a silver platte and they just screw it up!
- Bush has had two good weeks - it's time to bring out the big guns and knock that fool down a peg
- Iraq withdrawal
- North Korea missile threat
- Terror plot(s) in the United States (Miami Muslims)
- Immigration reform deadlock
- How Iraq is affecting Democrats' election strategies (Lieberman, Kerry, Clinton)
- June 17, 2006 33 replies · 403+ views
June 18, 2006 911 replies · 14,657+ views
- Bush is a brave leader (tricky bastard, sneaking into) visiting Baghdad that way, but it doesn't affect the
deep trouble we're in over there
- Tony Snow is the face of evil in the White House because of his insensitive remarks about the 2,500th death in Iraq
- We must not stop the vital work of the NSA, but they must reveal all of their most precious secrets to Congress
- Iraq has had a really good couple of weeks, how can we denigrate that?
- John Murtha can now come out of hiding because he can be portrayed as a victim, thanks to Ann Coulter's nasty remark
- The oil companies: evil incarnate or simply greedy bastards
- June 10, 2006 25 replies · 317+ views
June 11, 2006 697 replies · 14,175+ views
- Yeah, yeah, a minor annoyance [Zarqawi] was murdered by the ruthless US military and Bushitler.
- The Bush administration even pisses off loyal Republicans... like Snarlin Arlen [NSA]
- Pay no attention to the fascists over at FR. KOS RULES! [KOS convention]
- [Nothing on the estate tax? Marriage amendment? Immigration? Haditha?]
- June 03, 2006 29 replies · 419+ views
June 04, 2006 833 replies · 13,547+ views
- Everything wrong on the planet is the fault of the United States
- Global Warming
- Al Gore is the once and future President
- The US Marines are, by definition, war criminals [Haditha]
- If only George Bush were willing to appease Iran everything would be fine!
- If you hated Hillary Care you'll love Mitt Care [Romney]
- [Nothing on marriage amendment? Immigration (e.g., name the conferees)? Wen Ho Lee?]
- May 27, 2006 37 replies · 422+ views
May 28, 2006 867 replies · 13,335+ views
- The power of the MSM is unassailable
- Reports of a massacre in Haditha, Iraq
- The immigration debate
- May 21, 2006 965 replies · 12,745+ views
- No preview thread this week - major issues are immigration, NSA (confirmation of Hayden), Iraq/Iran
- May 13, 2006 33 replies · 323+ views
May 14, 2006 980 replies · 14,917+ views
- We say that the NSA programs are all bad
- If only the Democrats were in charge peace would spontaneously break out
- Newt is damaged goods, therefore NBC will promote Newt's candidacy
- Newt said something nasty about the Bush administration, therefore he gets face time
- May 6, 2006 29 replies · 384+ views
May 7, 2006 981 replies · 16,588+ views
- The battle is joined! Place your bets! How badly will the GOP lose?
- Gas prices - 2006 election - immigration - Iraq war
- Let the rehabilitation of John McCain begin
- The GOP "leaks" too! Bush, Roberts, they all "leak!"
- Bush's new White House team and second-term agenda
The GOP Washington is so doomed
- April 29, 2006 27 replies · 283+ views
April 30, 2006 978 replies · 14,267+ views
- It's the oil companies fault (price of gasoline)
- It's the incompetent Bush administration foreign policies
- It is NOT the environmentalists fault!
- Tony Snow is too a butt kisser for this White House
- Will the new Iraqi government be able to unify the country?
- What should be done about Iran's nuclear ambitions?
- Clair Shipman is married to Jay Carney
- April 22, 2006 25 replies · 456+ views
April 23, 2006 950 replies · 15,464+ views
- Hoekstra & Harman both don't like Negroponte
- Panetta and Duberstein both don't like Bush's men
- Bush is wrong on everything
- "Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" (re: WH reassignments)
- Rummy must go, so sayeth the
wise men generals
- Bush is evil, a liar, betrayer
- the REAL story of how and why Bush dragged us into Iraq
- The staff changes aren't enough
- Bush is to blame for the high gas prices
- Bush was too nice/not nice enough to Hu
- It is too a Republican culture of corruption
- You too can become wealthy from trade with China. You just have to go to China to do it.
- April 15, 2006 37 replies · 420+ views
April 16, 2006 823 replies · 13,336+ views
- what form of government will the Democrats put in place when they win
- Will George Bush bring about the end of the world by daring to question our Islamic overlords?
- Democrat/Hispanic Bill Richardson = good : Republican/dead white guy George Allen = bad
- Should all Christians be rounded up, since Jerry Falwell is obviously evil
- Exactly how evil is George Bush?
- If Christians aren't leftists then they aren't really Christians
- Between taxes and the fact that everyone in the world hates us it's all over for American
- April 8, 2006 51 replies · 431+ views
April 9, 2006 1,168 replies · 16,081+ views
- Don't believe what the dinosaur media is telling you about November
- The GOP is DOOMED!
- Cynthia McKinney is a LOON!
- Katie Couric is one RICH LEFTIST!
- Republicans in the majority? Scandalous!! The work of the Devil!!
- Immigration reform? Fogit aboutit!
- Rebuilding Iraq? Next question please?
- Bush Lied, Cut and run, Bush Leaked
- Illegal immigrants are the backbone of our nation (bias against Hayworth, Tancredo)
- GM's collapse (assumed)
- April 1, 2006 29 replies · 457+ views
April 2, 2006 1,100 replies · 14,629+ views
- The Republicans are doomed if they do and doomed if they don't on immigration
- Rearranging the deck chairs (Card resignation)
- The blogs are wrong - believe the media as they can do no wrong
- Maybe there's something to this censure business, after all
- Bush's policy in Iraq is a failure
- Bush has screwed up in Iran now, too
- March 25, 2006 21 replies · 500+ views
March 26, 2006 937 replies · 14,922+ views
- The Bush administration policies are a failure
- Bush's bad poll numbers are sinking the Republicans
- Bush must clean house and replace those the MSM hates
- The paleocons and country club Republicans have turned their back on Bush (the Nixon wing of the party tries to rise again)
- Right wing extremists are attacking the messenger and trying to blame the real news media for the bad news
- It's not all over in Iraq, but it's close
- The White House is racist because they want to demonize all immigrants
- Teddy and his friends need illegal immigrants as servants
- March 18, 2006 44 replies · 528+ views
March 19, 2006 1,247 replies · 20,769+ views
- Fissures in the GOP - immigration
- Fissures in the GOP - the Bush administration in full retreat
- Fissures in the GOP - Bush's failures
- Iraq and the WOT
- Iraq, Afghanistan and the WOT
- the failure of the Medicare drug benefits plan
- the collapse of Bush's entire foreign policy (and those who could have done it better)
- March 11, 2006 129 replies · 894+ views
March 12, 2006 1,558 replies · 17,491+ views
- George Bush never really wanted to capture Osama and was really intent on going to war with Iraq all the time
- Is George W. Bush in control? - Why is he doing inexplicable things?
- George Bush is a lame duck (as per Chris Wallace Friday morning on Fox and Friends)
- George W. Bush isn't in control.
- Is George Bush irrelevant?
- Who's next?
- George W. Bush is an idiot and a failure
- George W. Bush really messed up in Iraq
- George W. Bush really messed up with the ports deal
- George W. Bush really messed up with the NSA domestic spying/breaking the law/invasion of privacy program
- March 4, 2006 61 replies · 760+ views
March 5, 2006 719 replies · 15,409+ views
- Iran is the real problem and we can't win in Iraq because we haven't "taken care" of them
- Bush made a very important foreign policy trip - did anyone notice?
- Is Iraq lost? - Would that be Bush's Fault(TM)?
- The media lied about the "secret" AP tapes, but Bush still messed up badly
- Bush hung Michael Brown out to dry
- Iraq is lost, it's a civil war - It's Bush's Fault(TM)
- We're giving the terrorists control of our ports - It's Bush's Fault(TM)
- We better be nice to Russia, or else
- John Edwards is running for President
- The Iraq war is hopeless and we must run away now
- Richard Lugar is thinking of running for President
- Everybody's running for something, but mostly President
- The wrong people are winning the Presidency in Iraq
- February 25, 2006 93 replies · 642+ views
February 26, 2006 1,064 replies · 16,404+ views
- The ports - America is schizophrenic over the ports
- stand back and let the principles battle it out
- leaning towards "the press/critics jumped the gun, but the White House really screwed up
- Bush White House secrecy and Republicans abandoning Bush
- Bipartisan opposition to the ports deal
- Incompetent/criminal secret dealings by the WH
- Bush White House secrecy and real conservatives abandoning Bush
- February 18, 2006 93 replies · 797+ views
February 19, 2006 1,040 replies · 19,693+ views
- "Katrina was all Bush's fault(TM)" and he ruined a perfectly good government bureaucracy (DHS/FEMA)
- VPs hunting accident
- The White House is being mean to the press
- Bill Frist distancing himself from GWB
- Bush wants to rape the environment (oil drilling)
- Bush has caused all of the trouble in the Middle East (Iraq) while ignoring the real trouble in the Middle East (Iran)
- Bush should be impeached
- The Bush White House is stupid and doesn't know the Constitution forbids his NSA program
- February 11, 2006 3 replies · 320+ views
February 12, 2006 720 replies · 14,213+ views
- All "illegal domestic surveillance" all the time
- Iraq is a mess
- We're losing in the Middle East (will they push "we must change course?")
- Republicans are trying to "reach out" to black voters, but will anyone believe them?
- February 4, 2006 23 replies · 325+ views
February 5, 2006 831 replies · 16,239+ views
- Did publication of eavesdropping program details hurt intelligence-gathering capabilities
- We'll go inside the NSA terrorism surveillance program with the man who designed it
- Is the divide between the Muslim world and the West encouraging violence and terror?
- What's the next chapter for Iraq?
- January 28, 2006 20 replies · 408+ views
January 29, 2006 1,148 replies · 25,716+ views
- domestic spying, the Jack Abramoff scandal, Hamas' victory in the Palestinian elections.
- public opinion on Iraq, the war on terror, the economy and the early favorites for 2008.
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
March 2009
April 2009
